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3 projets européens trouvés

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1. Preparation phase will consist of study visits at the European Union universities (EUU) and training workshops in the partner country with regard to the competence based teaching and development of curriculum based on the needs of labor market. As a result HE institutions will have the opportunity to get to know with the experiences and methodologies of the EUU in this aspect. Additionally, dur ...
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The main objective of this project is to strengthen quality assurance centers at the Private Higher Education Institutions, which are established at some Institutions and for those where they don’t exist to be established. With the project is aimed to support the installment of the Quality Assurance at the eleven private HE Institutions, that currently represents one of the top priorities of the R ...
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The NEXT project aims at adapting training and educational methodology in order to provide a more effective answer with regard to the development of social skills. Project partners will initially undergo a comparative survey at European level, with regard to the use of experience-based training methods and techniques and, based upon identified best practice, will define and introduce an innovative ...
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