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2 projets européens trouvés

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Black Sea Silk Road Corridor (BSSRC)

Date du début: 7 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 6 avr. 2015,

The main objectives of the project are to support development for local economies through tourism in Partner states in the Black Sea Basin, to enhance visitor experience at tourism sites in Partner states in the Black Sea Basin, to promote cross cultural cooperation through cross-border partnerships, to encourage protection of cultural monuments and biodiversity hotspots through regenerative touri ...
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Regional Business Incubators Network (“Black Sea BI-Net”)

Date du début: 26 mars 2013, Date de fin: 25 mars 2015,

The overall objective of the project is to accelerate the development of a productive and competitive economy and improve cooperation in the Black Sea region. The specific objectives of the project are to increase the institutional capacity of the business support organizations, public authorities and business incubators in development and promotion of specific policies related to business incubat ...
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