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8 projets européens trouvés

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"Be My Guest" is a project that aims at the development of a basic online course ofRussian language. Taking into account the importance of Russian as a language ofglobal communication and the increased number of people speaking Russian as anative or second language in enlarged Europe, the project seeks to explore theadvantages that learning this language can provide to Europeans with the view toen ...
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Although in Europe employment inclusion is an important objective there is no common standardised scheme. The two-year project UEmploy (7 partners from BG, HU, FI, IE and RO) addresses the gap.The focus is modern rehabilitation, a range of services and processes designed to enable all disabled people to live their lives as fully as possible. For organizations, SMEs and professionals the project p ...
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When it's good to be IDOL : The IDOL project has identified the needs of blind and disabled individuals to be assisted in entering into the open job market. The project provides information on the latest assistive technologies and psychological training programmes for these groups. It also educates employers and the general public about the issues involved. This project started in 2003 and lasted ...
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Listen & Touch developed a methodology to teach foreign languages to blind and visually impaired adults, as well as creating teaching materials adapted from a successful course in English for sighted learners. These methods were based on a communicative approach that had not been previously trialled with blind learners.
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Intercultural train the trainer : Web-based training on intercultural competence is being provided to vocational trainers. This will take the form of a modular course and will allow trainers to adapt to an increasingly multi-cultural workplace. This project started in 2001 and lasted 24 months.
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DARE stands for the name of the project whose full title is Disability Awareness: a New Challenge for Employees.The long-term objective of the project and the DARE Consortium is raising public awareness of disability and the way people with disabilities function in modern (knowledge-based) society.Disability awareness means a solid knowledge of the subject, combating stereotypes, as well as provid ...
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Innovative Methodology for pre-school and primary school teachers and teacher - trainers of BG, RO and TK, children and their parents. Innovative language teaching approach called “narrative format” developed in the previous EC Socrates Lingua Projects “The Adventures of Hocus and Lotus” and “The Dinocrocs grow up”, by the University of Roma ‘La Sapienza’, successfully implemented in IT, UK, ...
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..., Perugia Language School (Greece), CIAL Centro de Lìnguas (Portugal), 2 research centers, Novacultur Srl (Italy), CREI Centre de Recherches et d’Etudes Italiennes (France), 1 language consultant, Euroinform LTD (Bulgaria) and 1 nongovernmental organisation, EuroEd (Romania).The partnership will test the impact of the method by organising pilot and control classes in different teaching environment ...
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