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2 projets européens trouvés

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BALANCE – or in full “Baltic Sea Management–Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Ecosystem through Spatial Planning” – is an INTERREG III B co-funded project aimed towards development of informed marine management tools for the Baltic Sea based on spatial planning and cross-sectoral and transnational co-operation.BALANCE is organised into 5 work packages (WPs) which will identify ...
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Territorial impacts of European fisheries policy (Fisheries)

Date du début: 22 juil. 2004, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2006,

European Fisheries Policy have to deal with internal European matters like preservation of natural resources, access to production areas, social, economic and demographic consequences, and at the same time face the global competition in European markets.The project will investigate changes and ongoing processes affecting European countries and their regions and look into territorial impacts on Eur ...
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