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9 projets européens trouvés

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Description The main goal of the universAAL project is to make it easier for the ICT industry in Europe to develop and successfully deploy AAL solutions. To achieve this, the project is developing an open standardized platform/specification on which the AAL service providers can quickly and cheaply build AAL services. The project also assist ...
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INTERSTRESS aims to design, develop and test an advanced ICT based solution for the assessment and treatment of psychological stress. The system will aim at (1) objective and quantitative assessment of symptoms using biosensors and behavioral analysis; (2) decision support for treatment planning through data fusion and detection algorithms; and (3) provision of warnings and motivating feedback to ...
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Developing a European Transport Research Alliance (DETRA)

Date du début: 1 juin 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2012,

"The concept of DETRA derives from the so-called Lyon Declaration. In 2008, the Lyon Declaration signatories i.e ECTRI, FERSI, FEHRL, EURNEX, HUMANIST, ISN and NEARCTIS committed themselves to work together on the deepening the European Research Area objectives in transport in order to address the Grand Challenges. From this commitment grew the objective to create a European Transport Research ...
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Open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards (AEGIS)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 31 août 2012,

The ÆGIS project seeks to determine whether 3rd generation access techniques will provide a more accessible, more exploitable and deeply embeddable approach in mainstream ICT (desktop, rich Internet and mobile applications). We develop and explore this approach with the Open Accessibility Framework (OAF) through which we address aspects of the design, development and deployment of accessible mains ...
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Integrated system for safe transportation of children to school (SAFEWAY2SCHOOL)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2009, Date de fin: 31 août 2012,

"Between 1994 and 2001, 361 children were injured or killed during transportation to/from their school in Sweden, whereas 455 were killed or injured in Austria only in 2007 and 97 were killed in Italy in 2005. In a single school bus accident in Greece in 2003, 20 children lost their lives. Different as the above numbers may be, they all tell us one thing: Crashes involving school buses and crashes ...
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Toolkit for sustainable decision making in ITS deployment (2DECIDE)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2009, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2011,

2DECIDE addresses one of the most important ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems and Services) deployment related challenges on European level: Support and speed up consistent decision making related to ITS deployment for road and public transport (timely, cost-effective, interoperable, positive impact to urban and interurban mobility, positive cost/ benefit ration).A number of EU-documents have add ...
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"The number of road fatalities in Member States is decreasing too slowly to meet the EU-targets. A new generation of measures is needed, underpinned by a new generation of research methods. Recent technology developments allow for this: naturalistic observations. This means that road user behaviour is observed unobtrusively in a natural setting for a longer period of time. This technique allows fo ...
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Motorcycle and moped fatalities account for 17,8% of the total number of road accident fatalities in Europe and, compared to a passenger car occupant, a motorcycle rider is 26 times more likely to die in a crash, based on vehicle miles travelled, as riders are among the vulnerable road users.SAFERIDER aims to enhanced PTW riders' safety by applying ADAS/IVIS on PTWs of all types for the most cruci ...
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Background According to the 2001 TERM report (The Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism which can be found at:, Greece is the fourth most polluted country in the EU in terms of CO2 emissions. With a population of approximately one million, Thessalonica is the metropolitan centre of northern Greece. An econom ...
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