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5 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

...rities of the Copenhagen Declaration is to develop common instruments for Quality Assurance in VET. Further on, the objectives and actions of the Copenhagen process have been further supported by the European network for quality assurance in VET (EQAVET).In this context, there have been different projects and activities put in place in order to develop national Quality Assurance Frameworks and for ...
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...ommunicated to the customers, should be reliably verified and should be constantly updated.The Triple E project aims to strongly contribute to the development of sectoral qualifications (national and European) systems by incorporating ECVET, according to the EU specific Recommendation. Moreover the project will support the improvement of the quality of training systems through the development of i ...
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European Financial Education Partnership

Date du début: 1 oct. 2010,

The European Financial Education Partnership (EFEP) project seeks to transfer the model of the UK's innovative "Financial Education Partnership," to support secondary schools and teachers by bringing together financial services organizations, professional and educational associations, parents associations and others to deliver interactive financial education workshops through a volunteer network o ...
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...tionframeworks and professional certificates. However, mobilityof trainers, and recognition of trainers’ qualifications is constrained by thelack of a common -and consensus based- authentically Europeanqualification and competence framework. While the EuropeanQualification Framework is proposed as a “”translator” among nationalqualifications, adults trainers, who have a key role to utilize, explai ...
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The QUA.LOBSTER Project addresses, as primary target groups, Trainers, Human Resources Specialists, professional working for the promotion of the Learning Organisation in Human Resources Development, Organisational Development and Organisation Departments, in the Banking and Financial Service Sector. The Project also addresses the needs of employees who will benefit from the improved training prov ...
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