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6 projets européens trouvés

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...r be made accessible thus providing a central guidance library for guidance professionals across Europe.Guidenet will draw upon both the expertise of the partnership and that of the, now established, Euroguidance network of National Resource Centres for Vocational Guidance [NRCVG] comprising more than 50 centres across the EU/EEA and associated countries. This will allow Guidenet to further expand ...
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...ean Guidance counsellor. This dissemination is to be assured through a series of networking activities involving different actors at the European level (Universities, members of the Leonardo da Vinci Euroguidance network, other Guidance professionals). The dissemination and integration into the national systems of these tools and methodologies expects to support an enhanced system of knowledge tra ...
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The BU.S.S.O.L.A. project aims at contributing towards the innovation of training procedures and in particular at implementing a skills review for young people. As a part of this skills review, the project will compare existing related national and legal frameworks, will analyse the potential application of regulations across the different countries and by the different types of actors, will estab ...
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A centralised source for widespread employers : The overarching aim of this project is to create a single source of information on vocational training, university studies and labour, with a view to promoting mobility in Europe. Transparency is ensured and a website will be used to present the results of projects in the languages of countries concerned. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 mo ...
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As an incentive to the development of a learning culture within SME's and to further stimulate demand for learning, the project aims to improve access to vocational guidance and counselling by SME employees, in particular by the ageing workforce. The project will develop an innovative approach to training, to complement (or replace) public or private guidance and counselling provision, aimed speci ...
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La politique européenne accorde une place centrale à la mobilité des personnes sur les marchés d’emploi et dans les dispositifs d’éducation et de formation professionnelle pour assurer la compétitivité mais aussi l’inclusion sociale et la citoyenneté européenne. Après des années de travaux, cette mobilité implique la mise en place d’outils qui prennent la forme du cadre communautaire unique pour p ...
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