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6 projets européens trouvés

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Museum Professionals

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Project name: Museum Professionals - Leading organization: Ankara University (Turkey) Partners: Euro Innovanet (Italy) ,University of Sibiu (Romania) ,Etnografya Müzesi (Turkey) is the oldest state museum of Turkey Yaşayan Müze (Turkey) is private ,new and a living museum built in 2007 .Türk Kadınları Kültür Derneği (Turkey) is the first women civil society organization established in Turkey . I ...
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The aim of the project is to test out a range of innovative tools and models to facilitate reconversion in the tobacco-growing industry and the redeployment of producers, traders and all those employed in the sector. To this end the project will seek to promote transparency of formal qualifications and will explore the potential for transferring non-formal and informal learning. Expected results i ...
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“Museum Communicator” (Mu.Com.) is a training Project focused on the development of a professional figure, the Museum Communicator, that is becoming strategic both inside the Museums and the cultural associations managing museums.In fact, to that figure it is submitted the success of the impact, on the public, of the initiatives proposed by a Museum and the effectiveness in creating networks amon ...
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The F-MU.S.EU.M. Project aims to transfer the innovative learning model ("learning by doing") created within the MU.S.EU.M. Project.Furthermore, within the Project it has been created the the Virtual Museum of the European Roots, with items of prehistoric Age coming from the collections of all the participating Museums.
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Our rationale was to address the issue how all sections of European society could engage effectively in policy making in new and innovative ways. Whilst many EU citizens had disengaged from formal politics there was a surge of grass-root, often single issue engagement in policy making. Our actions provided a way to tackle the aims of the EU Cohesion Policy 2014 -2020 on community-led local develo ...
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The V.I.D.E.O. Project aims to transfer experiences realized by Municipality of Rome Italy), Polidynamo (Gr) and Arge PLON (De)within professional orientation centres, related to the adoption and the use of the Video cv as a tool as a tool functional to the show of one’s own competences by the side of adults seeking for occupational re-integration. The main goal is to develop a paltform for the Vi ...
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