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3 projets européens trouvés

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The Federation of Estonian Student Unions organizes, on the 21.-24. of May, the Baltic Organizational Meeting of the national Baltic student unions. On May the 22. EÜL will organize an international conference on the modernization of lifelong learning and on May 23. a world cafe concentrating on capacities of policy formation and empowerment. Europe and Estonia are facing the challenge of moderni ...
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Financing the Students' Future

Date du début: 1 oct. 2010,

Both the EU2020 draft strategy and the Leuven/Louvain la Neuve Bologna Process Ministerial conference confirmed the public responsibility and the need for investment in the higher education(HE) sector as a solution to the economic crisis.Students,as main beneficiaries,should be active participants in the funding reform debates and to be aware to understand and input into different types of funding ...
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Between 2008 to 2010, decisive steps will be taken within the Bologna Process. As ESIB’s Bologna With Student Eyes research has shown, governments and institutions still have much work to do in order to create a genuine European Higher Education Area. Thus, governments will have to step up their efforts to implement the agreed action lines by the established deadline of 2010.In particular, ESIB i ...
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