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5 projets européens trouvés

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The aim of the ELSY project is to produce English language (EN) multimedia training tools which will enable people who have few qualifications to acquire the basic vocabulary needed to work in an airport, whatever their working language (FR, ES, IT or DE), so as to make it easier for them to find work and to keep it.The multimedia training tools produced will focus on four specific trades: runway ...
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XENOPHON II will design and introduce a series of procedures, manuals and standards with regard to the development of a competence-based, European certification system in the field of customer services within the Telecommunications Industry.Building upon work undergone in the previously funded Leonardo da Vinci project 'XENOPHON', this new phase will focus upon the implementation and further expan ...
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The INFLOW project will develop a model for the identification of informal learning taking place in SMEs. The project will promote the acquisition and recognition of key skills in informal learning and will develop sustainable partnerships for training in informal learning to promote an integrated transnational approach to the recognition and validation of informal learning. Given that most workpl ...
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Defining business skills in e-commerce and selling the concept of true European vocational training : E-commerce is a growth sector for many European companies and yet professional training and accreditation lag behind the market opportunities. The COME project has developed professional profiles and linked training courses for five different types of business skills and created a system for Europ ...
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The main aim is to contribute to the establishment of a European lifelong learning space, by providing tools and guidelines by which mutual trust between countries and between labour market and educational field is achieved more easily.Background.Experiences from earlier projects tell that Europe-wide agreements on qualification profiles do not always hold when it comes to their implementation as ...
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