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3 projets européens trouvés

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Posidonia Residues Integrated Management for Eco-sustainability (P.R.I.M.E.)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2010, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2013,

... and extensive underwater meadows with leaves that can reach 1m in length. These rare seagrass meadows (listed as a priority for conservation according to the EU Habitats Directive) provide important ecological services and support a highly diverse community, including species of economic interest. However, when Posidonia meadows decompose, as part of their natural life-cycle, a residue is washed ...
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Sustainable industrial area model (SIAM)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2004, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2007,

...the presence of SMEs is predominant, are also often equipped with centralized environmental management facilities in order to minimize the environmental impact and reduce costs. These so called “Ecologically Equipped Industrial Areas” represent a good example of intervention aimed at protecting the environment against industrial pollution by exploiting the well developed relationships between ...
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...rformance of products throughout their life cycles. ISO standards 14040 and 14020 make specific reference to the Life Cycle Assessment method (LCA), the Environmental Products Declarations (EPDs) and eco-labelling of products. Opportunities exist to improve eco-labelling in Europe’s floriculture industry where intensive production methods are common. Objectives ...
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