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4 projets européens trouvés

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One of the greatest challenges facing regulators in the ever changing landscape of novel nano-materials is how to design and implement a regulatory process which is robust enough to deal with a rapidly diversifying system of manufactured nanomaterials (MNM) over time. Not only does the complexity of the MNM present a problem for regulators, the validity of data decreases with time, so that the wel ...
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Despite the increasing number of macromolecules with potential impact in the treatment of devastating systemic diseases, these therapies have failed to deliver on their expectations because they cannot be administered in the fashion which is most cost efficient and has the highest patient compliance: the oral route. The availability of an oral form of administration could lead to a great improveme ...
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A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials (NANOREG)

Date du début: 1 mars 2013, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017,

The innovative and economic potential of Manufactured Nano Materials (MNMs) is threatened by a limited understanding of the related EHS issues. While toxicity data is continuously becoming available, the relevance to regulators is often unclear or unproven. The shrinking time to market of new MNM drives the need for urgent action by regulators. NANoREG is the first FP7 project to deliver the answe ...
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Promoting the Implementation of Safe by Design (PROSAFE)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

The CSA links different initiatives and facilitates the integration of results from these initiatives, so that a maximum use of these results can benefit the regulatory process. The CSA is designed to facilitate this process and show European leadership on chemical safety, including nano’s. The aim of this activity is to coordinate and support for risk assessment, management and governance by stre ...
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