Rechercher des projets européens

10 projets européens trouvés

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Raising Awareness & Corporate Employment opportunities for people with disabilities in Turkey project brought together partners from 5 different countries in the endeavor to enable persons with disabilities to enter the open labor market and thus to gain more independence and confidence. The project implementation dates are from November 2011 till October 2013.
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The aims of the project are (1) to support improvements in the quality and accessibility of education and training for adults with a learning disability by identifying and validating best practice approaches; (2) to promote increased use of the best practice resources identified by raising awareness of the resources and presenting them in one central online portal or observatoryThe objectives of t ...
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The project will create, develop and share with others a model of training for use across Europe for those who support adults with learning disabilities in work. The project is therefore essentially a train the trainer project. The partnership intends to create for the first time a recognised and accreditable training and learning structure. The target is composed by care sector professionals and ...
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The project intends to develop an instrument, incorporating cross-cultural indicators/descriptors, to better measure impact of VET programmes on the quality of life of people with disabilities in employment so that service providers will be able to improve the quality of VET provided, better match clients to employers and increase the social inclusion of people with disabilities. The instrument w ...
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The project aims at providing training for disadvantaged groups on the labour market by setting up the new professional profile "animator on an Eco farm", who will then work with the target groups identified in the project: disabled people and those with limited working abilities, mentally disabled people, elderly ones who are facing difficulties in job search, young people without completed forma ...
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The basis for the project is a detected need of people with intellectual disabilities for respectful life and treatment; legislation in most European countries has developed towards social inclusion and improvement of the quality of life of disabled persons. The project will develop training packages for trainers of people with intellectual disabilities, based on the values of social inclusion, em ...
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The European Care Licence project will make a unique contribution to the official "European Year of Mobility for Workers" 2006. The project will create, establish and test a transnational system for the recognition and implementation of the entry level qualifications for home care staff. In order to foster mobility, employers must be able to check the quality of services, the qualifications attain ...
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The basis for the project is a detected need of people with intellectual disabilities for respectful life and treatment; legislation in most European countries has developed towards social inclusion and improvement of the quality of life of disabled persons. The project will develop training packages for trainers of people with intellectual disabilities, based on the values of social inclusion, em ...
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...isation will be realised by a multi-stakeholder conference at the end of the project, by the web-based knowledge center, reference groups, mainstream lobbying and long-term availability especially by EASPD and the networks of the other partners. The main impact of the project will be that agencies throughout the European Union will have access to the materials, to re-skill staff and management. Th ...
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Putting the disabled on an equal footing : The project has produced a training curriculum together with an assessment tool aimed at both professionals working with the disabled and the beneficiaries themselves. It will contribute to improved standards of care for the disabled. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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