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2 projets européens trouvés

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...orated for salt. The whole saltpans system covers 10 000 ha. Although artificially created, these salt marshes became a rich and vital source of rare plant and bird life. The site, part of the Po Delta Regional Park, is recognised as a Special Protection Area for birds and is a Site of Community Importance under the Habitats Directive. But it has slowly been losing its distinctive ecological make ...
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Integrated Management of wetlands (follow-up) (WETLANDS II)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

Wetlands, such as lakes, lagoons, deltas, river plains and coastal areas, belong to the most sensitive and most important ecosystems. The transition zones of land and water serve as cradles of biodiversity and are the natural habitat of thousands of rare species. From the socio-political and managerial point of view, wetlands have been controversially discussed natural spaces regarding matters of ...
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