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5 projets européens trouvés

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ATLAS creates a dynamic new partnership between multinational industries, SMEs, governments and academia to assess the Atlantic’s deep-sea ecosystems and Marine Genetic Resources to create the integrated and adaptive planning products needed for sustainable Blue Growth. ATLAS will gather diverse new information on sensitive Atlantic ecosystems (incl. VMEs and EBSAs) to produce a step-change in our ...
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"SOLUTIONS will deliver a conceptual framework for the evidence-based development of environmental and water policies. This will integrate innovative chemical and effect-based monitoring tools with a full set of exposure, effect and risk models and assessment options. Uniquely, SOLUTIONS taps (i) expertise of leading European scientists of major FP6/FP7 projects on chemicals in the water cycle, (i ...
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IbD® will create a holistic platform for facilitating process intensification in processes in which solids are an intrinsic part, the cornerstone of which will be an intensified-by-design® (IbD). The IbD approach is hinged on the use of robust data about a process to ‘redesign’, modify, adapt and alter that process in a continuous, intensified system, and will be the new paradigm in the intensific ...
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Date du début: 1 déc. 2013, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

The D-Factory aims to set a world benchmark for a sustainable biorefinery based on biomass from halophilic microalgae. Representing the largest (100s ha) of current commercial cultivation technologies for any microalga, Dunaliella microalgal biomass production uses raceways and lakes, and will be expanded with biorefinery concepts by drawing in European innovations in key biomass processing techno ...
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Project motivation: needs and challenges that will be solved. In its Council opinion on Latvia's convergence programme for 2012-2016 (Brussels, 19 June 2013), the EU Council indicated that there are concerns that vocational education and training is failing to provide sufficient quality of skills for the workforce and there is limited availability of quality work-based training. In Latvia employer ...
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