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38 projets européens trouvés

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Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas (MERCES)

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2020,

The project MERCES is focused on the restoration of different degraded marine habitats, with the aim of: 1) assessing the potential of different technologies and approaches; 2) quantifying the returns in terms of ecosystems services and their socio-economic impacts; 3) defining the legal-policy and governance frameworks needed to optimize the effectiveness of the different restoration approaches. ...
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The Transportation sector employs over 10 million persons in the EU today. At the same time, Transport is a social sector that is rapidly developing, changing and being influenced to the maximum extent by the development of automation, electrification and greening of transport, among others, thus facing problems in staffing its several domains with appropriate and qualified personnel. This fact, m ...
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Low Energy And Near to zero emissions Ships (LeanShips)

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2019,

The specific challenge for waterborne transport call MG4.1 is, “To support developments that make new and existing vessels…more efficient and less polluting”. A sound way to support developments is, to demonstrate solutions that are sufficiently close to market so that ship owners will consider these in their future investment plans. Following this reasoning LeanShips will execute 8 demonstration ...
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Action Plan for the future of Mobility in Europe (MOBILITY4EU)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

Global socio-economic and environmental megatrends are urging for a paradigm shift in mobility and transport that involves disruptive technologies and multimodal solutions. The individual transport sectors face diverse technical and non-technical requirements and rather individual, sometimes contradicting challenges. An action plan for the coherent implementation of innovative transport and mobili ...
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Future Sky Safety

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

The EC Flight Path 2050 vision aims to achieve the highest levels of safety to ensure that passengers and freight as well as the air transport system and its infrastructure are protected. However, trends in safety performance over the last decade indicate that the ACARE Vision 2020 safety goal of an 80% reduction of the accident rate is not being achieved. A stronger focus on safety is required. T ...
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Take Control (TaCo)

Date du début: 20 juin 2016, Date de fin: 19 juin 2018,

TACO aims to define an automated system sufficiently powerful to both accomplish complex tasks involved in the management of surface movements in a major airport and self-assess its own ability to deal with non-nominal conditions. When needed, such system should be sensitive enough to transfer responsibilities for traffic management back to the controller, in a timely and graceful manner and in wa ...
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Human Performance neurometricS Toolbox foR highly automatEd Systems deSign (STRESS)

Date du début: 15 juin 2016, Date de fin: 14 juin 2018,

Europe ATM system is expected to face challenging situations, with the growth of traffic, the increase of its complexity (e.g. the RPAS introduction), the introduction of innovative concepts (such as 4D trajectories) and increased automation. The roles and tasks of controllers will change in the future and it is vital to enhance the comprehension of human response to changes in role, monitoring of ...
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the embodied reMOte Tower (MOTO)

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

ATM Human Performance research has been traditionally focused on two senses: sight and hearing. Remote tower operations make no exception, with many efforts and resources focused on acquisition of visual images, for instance by means of hi-resolution cameras (SESAR requs here). This situation is often understood by adopting traditional human information processing approaches, where human cognition ...
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This project (R-Wake) aims at developing a simulation framework to assess the risk and hazards of potential wake vortex encounters for the en-route phase of flight.
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Participatory Architectural Change Management in ATM Systems (PACAS)

Date du début: 1 mars 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018,

Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems are large systems-of-systems that are managed via multiple layers (e.g., operational, organizational, technical) to better handle their complexity. Due to their tight interdependencies, any change introduced in either of these layers triggers changes in other layers. As such, change management in ATM systems is a difficult task and requires to know the full imp ...
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EGNSS high Accuracy SYstem improving PhotoVoltaic plants maintenance (EASY Pv)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

EGNSS high Accuracy SYstem improving PhotoVoltaic plants maintenance.The purpose of the EASY PV proposal is to provide a time and cost effective service as direct response to the growing need expressed by several maintainers and PV field owners to enhance the energy production of their plants.As photovoltaic plants are aging, it is not uncommon that their production lowers due to inefficiency caus ...
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The objective of the IMPACT project is to investigate the essential role played by cultural factors in managing safety- and security-issues related to emergencies in public transport systems.The IMPACT Coordination and Supporting Action is aimed at analysing the different cultural behaviours for the prevention of emergencies with particular emphasis on risk and situational awareness perception of ...
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The proposed coordination action OPTICS will provide oversight of progress in research and innovation aiming to improve the safety and security of aviation in accordance with Flightpath 2050 challenges and goals, exploiting as far as possible the identified metrics, achievements, main topic areas and broad industry knowledge and expertise base established in the development industry's SRIA.OPTICS ...
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Increasing Value and Flow in the Marine Biodiscovery Pipeline (PHARMASEA)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

... pipeline structure established within PharmaSea will process a wide genetic basis including marine microbial strain collections held by partners and new strain collections from extreme environments (deep, cold and hot vent habitats) to produce new products with desirable characteristics for development by the SME partners in three accessible market sectors, health (infection, inflammation, CNS di ...
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Sustainable water management under climate change is an urgent challenge for the Euro-Mediterranean region. Future climate change projections estimate an increase in water scarcity and droughts in the region, causing substantial socioeconomic losses and environmental impacts.In this context, efforts are needed to strengthen public participation and embed a sense of responsibility within the societ ...
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Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitation (MIDAS)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2013, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The MIDAS project addresses fundamental environmental issues relating to the exploitation of deep-sea mineral and energy resources; specifically polymetallic sulphides, manganese nodules, cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts, methane hydrates and the potential mining of rare earth elements. These new industries will have significant impacts on deep-sea ecosystems, in some cases extending over hundre ...
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"Within the aeronautical industry it is critical to have safe and reliable operations in order to prevent accidents and mistakes which can potentially cause a huge loss of life and destruction. In this respect, the aeronautical industry has led the way in terms of understanding and implementing tools, methodologies and systems to combat human error within a system. One such principle which has bee ...
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Ecological Lifestyles for CO2 Reduction (EcoLife)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

Background Measures to buffer climate change are at the core of the EU’s 2020 strategy for sustainable growth. However, Italian public opinion is less accepting of the need to tackle climate change than elsewhere in Europe, as shown by the 2011 EU Survey on Climate Change. This revealed that Italian public opinion downplays the potential consequences of ...
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Stärkung der transformativen Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in Europa

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

... are employed. Their activities are: Officers Committee for Community Education, Consultant for ecovillage founding, trainers for non-violent Communication, social change, self-organising structures, deep ecology, personal development, organizational development, Team support, applied Permaculture, theatre education and modern horse work as well as employees of GEN Europe and in international Educ ...
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Advanced Cockpit for Reduction Of StreSs and workload (ACROSS)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

Outstanding safety level of air transport is partly due to the two pilots standard. However situations where difficult flight conditions, system failures or cockpit crew incapacitation lead to peak workload conditions.The amount of information and actions to process may then exceed the crew capacity. Systems alleviating crew workload would improve safety.ACROSS Advanced Cockpit for Reduction of St ...
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PROactive Safety PERformance for Operations (PROSPERO)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2012, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

Whilst a vision of zero deaths for air travel may seem unattainable it could be the goal of all involved in air traffic systems (ATS.) To get closer to this vision requires innovation and a different approach. In Vision 2020 the EU set a goal of reducing the air travel accident rate by 80%. The implementation of PROSPERO will provide an advanced systemic methodology for managing the improvement pr ...
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Human Factors in Risk-Based Ship Design Methodology (FAROS)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

Up to 96% of maritime accidents (collision, grounding, fire, occupational accidents) are routinely attributed to human error. However, rather than assessing the ship performance in terms of global design factors such as ship motions and noise, the human element studies have primarily focused on local design features (e.g., bridge design) that are relatively easy to fix and tune towards required ef ...
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Aviation Safety and Certification of new Operations and Systems (ASCOS)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2012, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

"Fundamental changes in the institutional arrangements for aviation regulation in Europe, the introduction of new technologies and operations, and demands for higher levels of safety performance call for the adaptation of existing certification processes. Therefore, the main objective of ASCOS is to develop novel certification process adaptations and supporting safety driven design methods and too ...
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Sustainable offshore wave energy has the potential to make a real contribution towards the binding EU commitment to source 20% of its electricity requirements from renewable sources by 2020. The vast wave energy resource along Europe’s western seaboard is unparalleled anywhere in the world. Consequently the EU has an opportunity to become international industry leaders in what is becoming a rapidl ...
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in flight Trajectory optimizAtion through advanCed simulation TechnICs (TACTIC)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2013, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2015,

The Commercial and Airline Pilots are skilled to deal with their aircraft emergencies. On the contrary, when the occurrence of unusual situations, requires trajectory change during IFR navigation, pilot in command, involved in a short time analysis and synthesis, could be not able to consider all those aspects affecting the new flight trajectory negotiation.In such situations the pilot may have gr ...
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The objectives of the “Socially sustainable manufacturing for the Factories of the Future” –SO SMART are to:• Develop a socially sustainable ecosystem assessment framework, including guidelines to describe scenarios and a set of indicators needed in order to evaluate them, under the perspectives of economic and social sustainability.• Define and validate a future vision for socially sustainable Fo ...
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Socio-Economics meets Security (SECONOMICS)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2015,

"SECONOMICS goal is synthesizing sociological, economic and security science into a usable, concrete, actionable knowledge for policy makers and social planners responsible for citizen's security. The project is driven by industry case studies and will specifically identify security threats in transport (air and urban and super urban metro) and critical infrastructure. The research focus places s ...
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All Condition Operations and Innovative Cockpit Infrastructure (ALICIA)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2009, Date de fin: 31 août 2014,

"ALICIA addresses the ACARE objective of increasing time efficiency within the future air transport system. The aim will be to develop a new and scalable cockpit application which can extend operations of aircraft in degraded conditions – “All Conditions Operations”. A key objective will be to deliver an extensible application that can be applied to many aircraft types. This will necessarily enta ...
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Scope and background of projectIn the 4th call of the European FCH JU (AIP 2011) a project has been called to map out the relevance of hydrogen underground storage. The focus being on seasonal energy storage at large scale, the potential, application profile, impact of and schedule to implement this concept may differ across Europe. In recent studies a clear profile for various large-scale storage ...
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Secure and Trustworthy Composite Services (ANIKETOS)

Date du début: 1 août 2010, Date de fin: 31 mai 2014,

The Future Internet will provide an environment in which a diverse range of services are offered by a diverse range of suppliers, and users are likely to unknowingly invoke underlying services in a dynamic and ad hoc manner. Moving from today's static services, we will see service consumers that transparently mix and match service components depending on service availability, quality, price and se ...
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EXploiting safety results aCROSS transportation modes (EXCROSS)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2011, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2014,

...tions (road, maritime, railways, aviation) with a solid background and large experience in the participation to research initiatives dealing with safety aspects, namely Ansaldo STS (IT), CERTH (GR), Deep Blue (IT - coordinator), ISDEFE (ES), LOGOS Ingenieur und Planungsgesellschaft (DE), and the University of Strathclyde (UK). The US Federal Aviation Administration and a Steering Committee with r ...
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Support Patients through E-services Solutions (SPES)

Date du début: 31 mars 2011, Date de fin: 30 mars 2014,

The topic of telemedicine offers potential for greater social cohesion in Europe as well as numerous advantages and has already begun to fill a major role in, and to change, the manner in which people interact with healthcare. Transnational cooperation in the respective field may lead to innovative and shared solutions in order to fulfil the goal to move towards a "European eHealth Area", recognis ...
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Behavioral Modeling for Security in Airports (BEMOSA)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2009, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2012,

"BEMOSA will contribute significantly to the overall European objective of eliminating hazards of hostile action in the air transport system. To do so it will develop a dynamic and realistic model of social behaviour and security decision making during security threats in airports. These objectives will be accompanied by advancing the state-of-the art in behavioural modelling by direct, multi-face ...
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Security Engineering for lifelong Evolvable Systems (SecureChange)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2009, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2012,

There is growing demand to continuously evolve systems to meet changing business needs, new regulations and policies, novel technologies and computing infrastructures.Unfortunately, the pace of required change affects our ability to ascertain and maintain the quality of a system. Our objective is thus to develop techniques and tools that ensure "lifelong" compliance to security, privacy and depe ...
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Description VirtualLife aims to combine a high quality immersive 3D virtual experience with the trustworthiness of a secure communication infrastructure, focusing on the creation of secure and ruled places within the virtual world where important transactions can occur.The proposed system provides the users the possibility to create and shar ...
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Human rights, and especially minority rights, have a clear supranational dimension both in Europe and in South Asia. Europe has made wide use of the mechanisms and soft law approaches developed and implemented at regional level by the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the European Union. In South Asia there is a long tradition of study and robust experience in the field of cultural, religious, lingu ...
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Due to its importance, the aeronautics industry (AI) is also recognized by high-level skilled professionals it engages. Main job positions involve engineers and maintenance technicians trained at the highest level. Although the few number of EU aerospace large companies there are several others in the value chain contributing for the success of the industry and which require high qualified workfor ...
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The project addressed a significant gap in specialist horticulture training required to build and maintain Green Roofs. The project team worked with occupational skills councils and have developed occupational standards for Green Roofs this has enabled the development of EU L3/4 vocational qualifications for technicians (those who will install and maintain green roofs)and supervisors (those who tr ...
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