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8 projets européens trouvés

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Targeting novel lipid pathways for treatment of cardiovascular disease (Athero-Flux)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2013, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Lipid lowering has significantly reduced cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality in EU. However, the aim to abolish CVD in EU is far from achieved and attempts to improve on the benefits of statins with new agents have not yet delivered new therapeutics. The Consortium Athero-Flux builds on FP7-generated large-scale lipidomics data showing that specific sphingolipids and in particular distinct cer ...
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A Centre for Cardiac Arrest in the Oresundregion

Date du début: 31 déc. 2012, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

The purpose of the project is to establish a Centre for Cardiac Arrest in Oresundsregionen as a collaborative effort to increase knowledge, developments in assessment, treatment and outcome in cardiac arrest victims. Expected Results: ...
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...ers University, Göteborg, Sweden.-Baltic Entrepreneurship Training Baltic Entrepreneurship Centre, Rostock, Germany.-Education and training of leaders for the life science industry of the future Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.•Concept for ScanBalt Campus Shared Curricula. E.g. research projects, courses and international master programs•Opening first ScanBalt Campus office in Rostock Official ...
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Training professionals to bring together medical cultures in Europe : A training programme on a European scale for healthcare professionals, bringing together the different medical cultures of the continent. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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The project will create a European Neonatal Virtual Learning Environment for trainee doctors studying at postgraduate level. The project will support learner-centred, flexible and collaborative learning and the sharing of best practice across the EU, promoting access to lifelong learning, particularly to those in remote areas. Common on-line assessment tools will be further developed, in a step to ...
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The aim of the project was to develop a European Virtual learning Environment (VLE) which would act as the portal for the delivery of a structured online European Medical Postgraduate educational training programme to junior doctors who are training to be neonatal specialists. Having gained approval from the European Academy of Paediatrics it is anticipated that this innovation has the potential ...
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The purpose of the prestudy is to establish a cooperation between the University of Lund and theUniversity hospital of Copenhagen within cancer diagnosing. New computer technology makes itpossible to make diagnoses at an earlier stage than before. It is thus of great importance thatresearch and the use of such technology is not only limited to one hospital, but spread to thewhole region for the be ...
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The project is a cooperation between the University Hospitals in Copenhagen and Lund and in this pre-project the aim is to discuss the possiblities of creating a centre for clinical competence in the Oresund Region. The centre should have international status as well as regional status and deal with different aspects of clinical competence, such as simulator training on clinical competence and the ...
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