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2 projets européens trouvés

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European Orchestra LABoratory II

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2019,

European Orchestra LABoratory IIEuropean symphony orchestras have had success for 4 centuries connecting directly with audiences through music, immediately reaching hearts and minds by performing classical music. In recent decades that connection has weakened as fewer people are inclined to come to concert halls. The European Orchestra LABoratory aims to enlarge the role of orchestras at the centr ...
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Since 1991 ECHO exists as a small group of closely related concert halls that worked in the same region. They were convinced that it was to the benefit of all partners to collaborate and exchange information on the programmes and artists they invited and the way they worked. This collaboration is based on a shared mission that combines the search for the highest artistic quality with a strong comm ...
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