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Strength2Food is a 5-year, €6.9 million project to improve the effectiveness of EU food quality schemes (FQS), public sector food procurement (PSFP) and to stimulate Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) through research, innovation and demonstration activities. Our 30-partner consortium representing 11 EU and 4 non-EU countries combines leading academic, communication, SME and stakeholder organisations ...
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Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops (G2P-SOL)

Date du début: 1 mars 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2021,

G2P-SOL is a research alliance bringing together the major European and International repositories of germplasm with public and private institutions active in genomics, phenotyping and breeding in the four major Solanaceous crops: potato, tomato, pepper and eggplant. These four crops constitute 66% of the value of European horticultural production, and over 65,000 accessions are available within t ...
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Background Beef production generates greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting for six per cent of all human-induced emissions. Nevertheless, studies reveal that knowledge gaps exist among beef farmers about the use of innovative practices to reduce GHG emissions. Beef production can also regulate climate through carbon storage in grassland. This dual rol ...
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XF-ACTORS aims to establish a multidisciplinary research program to answer the urgent need to improve prevention, early detection and control of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). Recently, Xf was introduced into Italy, where it is causing severe damage to olive crops, and in France, where so far it is limited to ornamental plants and some landscape trees. The overall goal of the research program is to asse ...
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The main goal of AGROinLOG is the demonstration of Integrated Biomass Logistic Centres (IBLC) for food and non-food products, evaluating their technical, environmental and economic feasibility. The project is based on three agro-industries in the fodder (Spain), olive oil production (Greece) and cereal processing (Sweden) sectors that are willing to deploy new business lines in their facilities to ...
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About 2/3 of the rice consumed by European citizens is produced in EU, and its productivity is affected by abiotic and biotic stresses. Of particular concern, global temperature has increased over the last century, especially during the last 50 years (0.13° C / decade). One consequence has been a clear tendency toward salinization, which affects rice as one of the most salt sensitive crop in the r ...
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Exploring the molecular control of seed yield in crops (ExpoSEED)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2019,

ExpoSEED aims to integrate forward and reverse genetic approaches to dissect the molecular mechanisms that control seed/kernel (hereafter referred as seed) yield in model species and to transfer the acquired knowledge to selected crops as legumes and cereals. The identification of “molecular hubs” that determine seed number and size will put the basis for the development of breeding tools to impro ...
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Data-Driven Bioeconomy (DataBio)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2017, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2019,

The data intensive target sector selected for the DataBio project is the Data-Driven Bioeconomy, focusing in production of best possible raw materials from agriculture, forestry and fishery/aquaculture for the bioeconomy industry to produce food, energy and biomaterials taking into account also various responsibility and sustainability issues. DataBio proposes to deploy a state of the art, big dat ...
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Sentinels Synergy for Agriculture (SENSAGRI)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2019,

In the emerging Copernicus Earth monitoring era, Europe provides Earth Observation (EO) data from Sentinel-1 (S1) and Sentinel-2 (S2) on a free and open data policy basis. In response of the EO Work programme ‘EO-3-2016: Evaluation of Copernicus Services’, Sentinels Synergy for Agriculture (SENSAGRI) aims to exploit the unprecedented capacity of S1 and S2 to develop an innovative portfolio of prot ...
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Second generation of planted hardwood forests in the EU (WOODnat)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2019,

The past EU funding programs for the afforestation of agricultural marginal areas promoted many walnut quality hardwood planted forests in southern Europe, which are mostly small to medium-sized and dispersed in the territory. Although southern European countries have intensively invested in research on walnut silviculture and genetics, the owners of small planted forests lack the know-how needed ...
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Background The decay of forest cover and soil erosion is a consequence of continual intensive forest exploitation, such as grazing and wildfires over the centuries. From the end of the eighteenth century up to the mid-1900s, black pine plantations were established throughout the Apennines’ range in Italy, to improve forest soil quality. The main aim of ...
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Continuing population and consumption growth are driving global food demand, with agricultural activity increasing to keep pace. Europe has a major agricultural waste problem, generating some 700 million tonnes of waste annually. There is an urgent need and huge opportunity to address the efficient use of agricultural wastes, co-products and by-products (AWCB) towards delivering sustainable value ...
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Strengthening food and nutrition security (FNS) in the EU requires a move towards a diet that supports sustainable food consumption and production. To gauge the policy reforms needed for this major societal challenge, the SUSFANS-consortium will identify how food production and nutritional health in the EU can be aligned. The multidisciplinary research agenda of SUSFANS will build the conceptual f ...
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Europe’s bioeconomy is expected to foster economic growth and to tackle significant societal challenges with less harmful environmental effects through innovative, sustainable and inclusive use of European forest resources. Increasing demand for biomass and other ecosystem goods and services calls for changes in forest-related policies at different levels and across different sectors. Accordingly, ...
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Air Quality at the Urban-Rural Interface (AQURI)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2017, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2019,

AQURIPoor air quality (AQ) is of major concern to policy makers and public alike, but is proving impervious to current mitigation efforts. In many areas, the dominant source of air pollution is the formation of secondary pollutants (ozone and aerosol) from the atmospheric reactions of volatile organic compounds, over 90% of which are biogenic in origin. Yet few atmospheric chemistry models current ...
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The requirement for sustainable food production is a global issue to which the EU contributes as a major livestock producer. It is critical to improve animal production efficiency while sustaining environmentally friendly milk production. More profitable dairy production requires increased milk yield, cow health, longevity and fertility; reduced environmental footprint and optimised use of inputs. ...
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Sustainable bioenergy production and use in the EU should be further developed in order to support Member States (MS) achieving 20-20-20 targets and foster rural development as set out in EIP AGRI. FORBIO will demonstrate the viability of using land in MSs for non-food bioenergy feedstock production without interfering with the production of food or feed, nor with land currently used for recreatio ...
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Wheat and barley Legacy for Breeding Improvement (WHEALBI)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

WHEALBI will combine genomics, genetics and agronomy to improve European wheat and barley production in competitive and sustainable cropping systems. Germplasm representing the species diversity will be selected and characterised in unprecedented detail by next-generation-sequencing. Life history and adaptive traits will be evaluated in both transnational field experiments and a state-of-the-art p ...
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Background Organic matter in is a vital component of soil functionality and its associated productivity. Land use and soil cultivation methods can significantly affect the status of organic matter in soil. Decline is accompanied by a decrease in soil fertility and biodiversity, and loss of structure, whose factors, in turn, increase the overall soil degra ...
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Background Updated data and information on forests is needed for different reasons (e.g. to monitor forest health, carbon sequestration, impacts of climate change, provision of environmental services). This data also serves different purposes (e.g. management, conservation, reporting under different obligations) and is required by different target audienc ...
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The DROPSA consortium will create new knowledge and understanding of the damage and losses of fruit crops resulting from pests and pathogens, with a specific focus on the new and emerging threats due to Drosophila suzukii and quarantine pathogens Pseudomonas syringae, Xanthomonas fragariae and X. arboricola. The project will deliver a cost effective approach that can be widely implemented by the E ...
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FArming Tools for external nutrient Inputs and water MAnagement (FATIMA)

Date du début: 1 mars 2015, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018,

FATIMA addresses effective and efficient monitoring and management of agricultural resources to achieve optimum crop yield and quality in a sustainable environment. It covers both ends of the scale relevant for food production, viz., precision farming and the perspective of a sustainable agriculture in the context of integrated agri-environment management. It aims at developing innovative and new ...
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EU's agricultural and forestry land provides a wide range of public goods (PG) and ecosystem services (ESS) on which society depends, yet land use decisions and society often under-value these . PEGASUS will develop innovative, practical ways of making PG and ESS concepts accessible and operational: it will identify how, where and when cost-effective mechanisms and tools for policy, business and p ...
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LEGumes for the Agriculture of TOmorrow (LEGATO)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

The project has been conceived to promote the culture of grain legumes in Europe by identifying priority issues currently limiting grain legume cultivation and devising solutions in term of novel varietal development, culture practices, and food uses. LEGATO will develop tools and resources to enable state of the art breeding methodology and to exploit fully the breadth of genetic resources avail ...
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Coordination of the Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean (ARIMNET2)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

Agricultural research in the Mediterranean is characterised by three main features: it is scattered within the EU members and in Mediterranean Partner Countries as well as most of the problems and challenges that the Mediterranean agriculture is facing are shared by all the countries in the area and even further, its objectives are largely the same in the whole area, even if priorities can vary fr ...
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EnReMilk will achieve significant water and energy savings in representative dairy case studies, mozzarella and milk powder production, across the supply chain. The dairy industry is an important food industry sector with sales of €124.3 billion and added value of €17.4 billion p.a. It is a high energy and water consumer, both overall and per unit production: up to 6.47 MWh (5.55 MWhth and 0.92 MW ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

Agroforestry is the practice of deliberately integrating woody vegetation (trees or shrubs) with crop and/or animal systems to benefit from the resulting ecological and economic interactions. AGFORWARD (AGroFORestry that Will Advance Rural Development) is a four-year project, developed by 23 organisations at the forefront of agroforestry research, practice and promotion in Europe, with the goal o ...
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Multipurpose hemp for industrial bioproducts and biomass (MULTIHEMP)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017,

Hemp is a sustainable high yielding crop well adapted to most European conditions, with advantageous environmental and agronomical characteristics. Traditionally cultivated for the fibres, seeds and psychoactive substances, it is now considered an ideal crop to produce innovative biomaterials. Once a key industrial crop for fibre, hemp production declined in the last century and was displaced by c ...
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MODelling vegetation response to EXTREMe Events (MODEXTREME)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2013, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The continuous supply of services provided by agricultural systems is increasingly threatened by climate change in association with an estimated increase in the frequency of extreme weather events such as droughts, heat waves or heavy precipitation events.MODEXTREME has the overarching goal to help the European and non-European agriculture face extreme climatic events by improving the capability o ...
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"Multipurpose and biodiverse forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean area have to deal with the negative effects of climate change and a strong human pressure, often represented by gaseous emission transported to the vegetation through polluted air sheds. In the polluted lower atmosphere ozone is formed in the presence of sunlight through photochemical reactions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) ...
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Agricultural residues could represent a good source of biomass to convert into energy in particular wherever it is impractical to convert cropland to energy crop cultivation . According to FAO’s reportage (1997) , large quantities of ligneous biomass can be obtained from pruning operations carried out in Mediterranean fruit plantations. Agricultural residues therefore play an important role in any ...
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Designing Trees for the future (TREES4FUTURE)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2011, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2016,

TREES4FUTURE will make a significant contribution to helping the European forestry sector respond, in a sustainable manner, to increasing demands for wood products and services (among which preservation of forest biodiversity) in a context of changing climatic conditions. To do so TREES4FUTURE will integrate for the first time major, yet rarely interacting forestry communities (and their resources ...
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Total Diet Study Exposure (TDSEXPOSURE)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

Total Diet Studies (TDS) allow getting information on real dietary exposure to food contaminants consumption (heavy metals, mycotoxins, POPs...) and estimating chronic exposure to pesticide residues in food and food additives intake. TDS consider total exposure from whole diets and are based on food contamination as consumed rather than contamination from raw commodities, thus ensuring a realistic ...
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ENVIEVAL will develop and integrate advanced evaluation tools into new methodological frameworks for the evaluation of environmental impacts of rural development programmes at micro- and macro-levels. In order to achieve this main aim, the proposed project has five objectives: i) to review implemented rural development programmes, existing monitoring and indicator systems, and new methodological ...
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Forest research in the Mediterranean region is currently handicapped by its fragmentation, its limited means, and occasional outdating and isolation. In addition, the low benefits that Mediterranean forests provide to forest-based industries--compared to other European forests--make it difficult to attract interest and funds from the private sector. For this reason, new ways to overcome this situa ...
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"MICROGENNET is a collaboration of 16 distinguished universities and research institutes worldwide. The overall aim of the exchange programme is to build, extend and strengthen sustainable collaborations between the partners so as to create a community driven knowledge base for micronutrient genomics research. Currently, the data on nutrient effects on health are scattered in publications and da ...
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FERTIPLUS will identify urban and farm organic wastes that can be used to recycle nutrients into agriculture as biochar, compost or combinations of them. Urban and farm organic residues are a large source of nutrients and today not used to its full potential. FERTIPLUS will assess and use this potential and contribute to sustainable crop production and soil productivity and quality across regions ...
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The FIBRA network has as main target to link the research and development activities for fibre crop innovations carried out by universities and institutions in both EU and China. This proposal is set up to promote the communication between experts about the key issues of fibre crop production, processing and application, while attention towards quality and efficiency improvement, and product diver ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

Wine market is very competitive. EU producers need to reduce production costs and increase their sustainability standard while improving the quality of their wine. Wine stability is one of the most important quality parameters. To avoid formation of cloudiness or precipitates in bottled wines, producers preventively treat it by mean of physical methods or additives. The present practices for tarta ...
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Optimization of Perennial Grasses for Biomass Production (OPTIMA)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2011, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

OPTIMA will integrate an ambitious biology system approach for perennial grasses such as switchgrass, miscanthus and giant reed in the Mediterranean environment. Moreover the perennial species cardoon, which has been proven to be particularly adapted to the Mediterranean climate, will be used as a control species.The main objective of the OPTIMA project is to identify high-yielding perennial grass ...
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