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8 projets européens trouvés

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Viaggi, turismo, natura, tra Ossola e Ticino (TUTIPOST)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2013, Date de fin: 30 mai 2015,

The projects objective is to improve mobility on both sides (Italy and Switzerland) through: 1. Tourist flows from the Locarno area (National Park and Lake Maggiore) to Ossola and vice versa. For this purpose, new vehicles will be purchased to increase public transport offer and a new information network will be set up so as to facilitate the purchase of collective transport services and to improv ...
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Background Bats and raptors are two of the most threatened animal groups in Europe. Bats have been a protected species since 1939 and are included in the annexes of Bern Convention and the Habitat Directive. Out of the 34 species listed for Italy, 25 species have been recorded in Tuscany. The other targeted species of the project, the red kite (Milvus mil ...
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Endorsement actions for Governance of local environment (SUN EAGLE)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2010, Date de fin: 30 juin 2014,

Background Almost all countries with mountainous or hilly regions have some kind of implicit or explicit policy for mountain areas. However, there are significant differences between the policies of different countries. Since local authorities are considered, in the context of sustainable development, the smallest scale at which issues can be dealt with ...
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GAPMEDOCC : The taste and the peasant arts in the West Mediterranean (GAPMEDOCC)

Date du début: 31 mai 2004, Date de fin: 29 juin 2006,

« GAPMEDOCC » s’intéresse au tourisme rural en Méditerranée et plus particulièrement aux arts paysans. Il s’agit d’offrir des produits et des services touristiques mieux adaptés aux demandes actuelles et complémentaires de l’offre littorale classique, pour développer un réseau de pôles de reconnaissance des arts paysans et ruraux ayant le « goût » comme élément de cohérence d’un art de vivre retro ...
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EMAS II Certification of the Comunita' Montana (CER-COM+)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2002, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2004,

Background The area of the “Comunità Montana” which stretches from the valleys of the rivers Nure and Arda has a high quality environment. The low level of anthropisation and industrialisation, together with widespread forested areas and zones of high environmental quality are indicators of the good environmental status. The local administrations, wi ...
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Training pacts at local level : The project has established a framework for training pacts at local level that allows for cross-border cooperation. By setting the standards and producing guidelines, the project managers have paved the way for the creation of cross border training agreements. This project started in 2001 and lasted 26 months.
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Obiettivi: •• individuazione delle strategie di miglioramento della produzione di erbe officinali in aree montane, organizzazione e coordinamento delle attivita tecnico-scentifiche. •• produzione di una gamma di prodotti di elevato valore qualitativo e innovativo con forte legame al territorio; •• condurre ricerche in campo etnobotanico e fitofarmacologico per verificare le proprieta delle erbe of ...
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Il progetto Le montagne tra i due laghi nasce per far conoscere e valorizzare il territorio compreso fra i laghi di Como e Lugano, piu il versante orientale del Sopraceneri sino a Bellinzona, attraverso la creazione di itinerari turistici e la possibilita di organizzare visite a luoghi e strutture, utilizzando postazioni multimediali e favorendo la diffusione virtuale delle conoscenze con diversi ...
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