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5 projets européens trouvés

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EVS - Growing Together

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

Europe and the world of today change very quickly and suddenly. Often the changes are difficult to accept and they could put in a difficult situation the most vulnerable part of population, those who are most at risk or exclusion and they mostly feel lost with a sense of eradication. The project "Growing Together" want to bring together two world at risk to be overwhelmed by the Europe of crisis, ...
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God with us? Religious Identities and Youth Participation

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

...he sharing of experiences. The partnership for this project mainly benefits of previous collaborations and moreover of a proven experience in these fields, and it includes 8 social organisations: 1- Commissione Sinodale per la Diaconia (CSD - Diaconia Valdese) - Italy - CO 2- Volontariat International au Service des Autres, l'Année Diaconale - Frane 3- MRSZ Alapitvany Onkentes Diakoniai Ev - Hun ...
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The Danish Diaconal Year has a vast diversity of social projects, where the volunteers are dealing with inter-religious dialogue, anti-discrimination, disabilty, minorities, eldercare, welfare, education and health issues.29 volunteers from 14 different countries are participatin, They come from Czech Rep., France, Germany, Greese, Hungary, Italy, poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, ...
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Meet the differences

Date du début: 1 mars 2014,

In 2014 (UN International Year of the Family and European Year for Reconciling Work and Family Life), the project “Meet the differences”, taking place in Argentina and Italy and involving 3 social organisations, aims to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries in the work for inclusion of socially marginalized groups (very young mothers, people with disabilities, disadvantaged children ...
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EDYN offers a tailor made PR and Social Media Training for EDYN members and area-related organizations. The shift to the Internet for news and information has changed the practice of public relations and marketing. Social media and the development of social media skills across the organizations, has become essential. Apart from giving and gaining practical and useful knowledge about PR as such, th ...
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