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3 projets européens trouvés

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Labeling of Enalapril from Neonates up to Adolescents (LENA)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2013, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2018,

Children are often treated as small adults—not as the special patients they are. Regulations exist to encourage the development of drugs and formulation for children. However, off-patent drugs are often administered to children without appropriate formulations or systematic investigations. Therefore, the paediatric use marketing authorisation (PUMA) has been designed.The EMA Paediatric Working Par ...
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Over the last 40 years, treatment for childhood and adolescent cancer has improved greatly; 5- year survival after childhood cancer is now 80% in developed countries. Approximately 1 individual in 750 of young adults is now a childhood cancer survivor. Epidemiologic data on the number of European childhood cancer long-term survivors are not available, but estimates suggest a number between 300,000 ...
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Suicidality: Treatment Occurring in Paediatrics (STOP)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2015,

The emergence of suicidality in patients receiving drug treatment is of concern because of the overall burden and the possible link with completed suicide. The lack of uniform requirements for defining, detecting and recording suicidality and the presence of disease related confounders create major problems. It is possible that Medication-Related Suicidality (MRS) differs from Psychopathology-Rela ...
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