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2 projets européens trouvés

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Scandinavian-Adriatic Corridor for Growth and Innovation (SCANDRIA)

Date du début: 31 août 2009, Date de fin: 8 sept. 2012,

...European Union. Supported by Scandria, two MoS porojects were established: Rostock-Gedser and Rostock/Travemünde -Trelleborg that induce additional investment of 210 million Euro for increasing capacity and improving environmental performance of ferry services.- the preparation of a Scandria biogas corridor, enabling road based freight transport to run on alternative fuels, thus reducing CO2-emiss ...
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... Achievements: All MA+ partners demonstrated concretely their interpretation of polycentricity and the problems in the implementation of this strategy. Several conferences, workshops and meetings took place, which were organised alternately by the participating project partners.A WP2 study ...
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