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6 projets européens trouvés

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Radviliškis-Bauska Intercultural Cooperation Developement (RADBAU)

Date du début: 30 nov. 2010, Date de fin: 30 mai 2012,

Project emerged from a number of challenges in the field of cultural cooperation between border region bodies. Therefore, project partners decided to deal together with these problematic issues by implementing the project. Ongoing cultural cooperation between Radviliskis and Bauska districts is not consistent, it mostly occurs in summer when weather conditions are favourable for holding events. T ...
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Medium Sized Cities in Dialogue around the Baltic Sea (MECIBS )

Date du début: 23 juin 2002, Date de fin: 22 sept. 2005,

...e project focuses on how the medium sized cities are threatened by changes in their economic base and key urban functions and how they cope with the challenges of restructuring. The interplay between city and its regional hinterland is emphasised and so are the endogenous capabilities and the interplay between local and national policy measures. Another focus is the social, demographic and environ ...
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Via Baltica Nordica Development Zone (VBNDZ )

Date du début: 31 juil. 2002, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2005,

The Via Baltica Nordica is a coherent development corridor stretching from Berlin to Mo i Rana in Norway. The idea is not to construct or develop the Via Baltica road connection as such, but to develop the regions located along the corridor by means of transnational co-operation. More than 40 cities, municipalities, regions and other development organisations from Finland, Sweden, Germany, Estonia ...
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...ories ofLatvia and Lithuania.The main project results are joint riskmanagement system strategy and riskmanagement information system, technicaldesign of Risk Management Co-ordinationCentre in Jelgava City (LV), and technicaldesign for construction works of EmergencyMedicine Co-ordination Centre’s garage inŠiauliai (LT), developed Institutional and HRDpublic awareness strategy, 140 specialiststrain ...
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Due to implementation of EU natureconservation and water managementpolicies, Latvia and Lithuania face similarchallenges thus it is important to shareavailable experience and expertise,especially in the bordering regions where themismanagement of resources by one partycan influence the other side.The project objective is to strengthencooperation among Bauska (LV) andBiržai (LT) regions for better ...
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Šiauliai (LT), Bauska, Jelgava andJurmala (LV) cities, situated in the Lieluperiver basin, and are the main polluters ofthe river. The problem of storm water, as asource of pollution in densely populatedareas, has not been duly addressed in theseareas. The overall objective of the project is todecrease pollution in Lielupe river basinresulting from untreated storm water.The project elaborates acti ...
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