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4 projets européens trouvés

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The project aims at creating a high quality ICT-based continuous training offer for the professionals of the rural tourism sector. Expected results ranges from a comparative report on specific sectoral training needs to a tailored ICT-based training offer to match the identified needs. The project intends to reuse and valorise the results of two previous LdV projects (FENICIA - E/00/B/F/PP-115272, ...
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SMEs employ 80+ million people across Europe and are critical to the EU economy. Whilst research confirms the positive relationship between organisational capability, in particular management capability, and small business performance, SMEs are less likely to participate in training than larger organisations. It is also widely accepted that SMEs face special challenges in relation to investing in ...
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SMEs are an important economic factor for the EU. According to the European commission of Interprise and Industry 99% of all European businesses are having 250 or less employees and fall therefore in the category "SME". Therefore it is important to strenghten SMEs in their performance. One way of doing so is by encouraging employees of all age groups in life long learning. This is true for the wel ...
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...ortium is made up of Exponential Training & Assessment, UK; Enterprise Lithuania, LT; Trebag Vagyon és Projektmenedzser Kft, HU; Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije Center Za Poslovno Usposabljanje, SI; Centrul De Inovare Si Dezvoltare De Afaceri, RO. The main results of the project are:A high growth coach competency framework and assessment tool; A 16 week high growth coach development programme; 75 ...
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