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2 projets européens trouvés

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Assessing Changes to Regional Habitats (ARCH)

Date du début: 30 juin 2009, Date de fin: 30 mars 2013,

ARCH partners will share information and jointly develop methods to assess the condition of habitats and species, improve the way in which they are mapped and use innovative techniques to secure their long term monitoring and conservation.Although habitats differ, partners have benefitted from a long-term shared desire to achieve these objectives, and to be able to offer a system for gathering, ma ...
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...ensure the success of the reintroductions, genetic and ecological studies were carried out upstream in the valley. The collaboration of the project partners – a research centre and two resource management centres – resulted in the creation of a reinforcement protocol for both target species and improved knowledge of Biscutella neustriaca, such as its genetic diversity, local adaptation and re ...
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