Rechercher des projets européens

3 projets européens trouvés

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New methods in teaching students imigrants

Date du début: 3 juin 2016, Date de fin: 2 juin 2017,

Today’s global world faces all the teachers with new challenges. They have to have the needed tools and skills to teach students from all the different nationalities and to be able to manage the educational process with the many cultural differences in a classroom. The aims and objectives of this project are to meet those essential needs. Teachers from Astor College, Dover, United Kingdom will par ...
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Many different EU Recommendations highlight that, VET Systems are called to enhance the employability and adaptability of people, and to increase the mobility of learners and periods of learning abroad. At present, the lack of shared methods for the assessment, transfer, validation and recognition of learning outcomes, and the lack of flexibility of training solutions, are delaying the full integr ...
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The project is based on two previous project’s results in the field of training disabled persons. For disabled persons getting a job and especially keeping it is a major challenge. This project will develop and test a model for training mentors who can assist companies in employing disabled persons and assist in keeping up the employment situation. The primary target groups of the project are comp ...
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