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9 projets européens trouvés

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Background The link between the provision of key ecosystem services (e.g. soil retention, temperature regulation, pollination) and socio-ecosystems (e.g. mountain Mediterranean scrub, coastal dune forests) in three Mediterranean Natural Protected Areas (NPAs) is well established on the basis of long-term management experience and scientific knowledge. Hab ...
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Background Certain coastal habitats such as marshes and seagrass meadows, including Neptune grass (Posidonia oceanica) meadows, are significant carbon sinks, both in terms of the intensity of gas sequestration and carbon deposits that are stored for thousands of years. Despite the importance of this, and other ecosystem services, these habitats are disapp ...
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Background Pollution from agriculture is a major pressure on Europe’s freshwater resources. Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) from fertilisers, pesticides, organic material, pathogenic micro-organisms in sediment and micropollutants are washed into waterways. This is especially the case in areas with intense rainfall and poorly drained soils. In some ...
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Background For over half a century growers/farmers have been using plastic materials in agriculture, also known as agro-films. Current existing semi-intensive and intensive farming practices require the use of large quantities of mulching film and fruit protection bags (and clips to close them) since they help prevent the growth of weeds, protect crops fr ...
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Background The Guadalquivir river basin is in the south of Spain, with a surface area of 57,527 km², including parts of four regions: Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura and Murcia. Rains in the area are often torrential and fall on lands recurrently affected by long periods of drought and high temperatures, and a marked susceptibility to erosion. ...
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Background Zamak is a family of alloys, with a base metal of zinc (Zn) and alloying elements of aluminium (Al), magnesium (Mg) and copper (Cu). It is used in injection-moulding in various industries (e.g. ironwork, automotive parts, die-cast toys). According to data from the European Foundry Association, 3.5 million tonnes of zamak was smelted in Europe ...
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Le captage d'eau - historiquement canalisé à partir des eaux souterraines - a été progressivement transféré vers les eaux de surface pour remédier à des problèmes de quantité et/ou de qualité de l'eau. Or, l'eau des rivières est soumise aux effets directs des polluants d'origine ponctuelle et diffuse (agriculture, industrie), ce qui contraint les autorités responsables à engager des dépenses élevé ...
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OBJETIVOS: Fortalecimiento de la Red de Investigación Transfronteriza de Extremadura, Centro y Alentejo, que agrupa a centros de investigación, y fomento de trabajos coordinados que potencien sinergias y complementariedades en materia de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación. ACCIONES: Ampliar y consolidar la Red existente en el área de cooperación. Impulsar la comunicación entre investigadores y ...
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El proyecto TRAIN² se propone crear un espacio consolidado de investigación, innovación y educación en el ámbito de la nanociencia y nanotecnología en el territorio SUDOE. Se pretende coordinar las infraestructuras de investigación de vanguardia y los centros de investigación en estos campos emergentes para mejorar la competitividad científica y la transferencia tecnológica y permitir así identifi ...
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