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3 projets européens trouvés

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Our EVS Project ‘Organic Agriculture – Inspiring youth for a greener future’ is addressed to young people willing to explore new learning and growing opportunities through an experience within an international organization which promotes organic food and farming in Europe. Starting from IFOAM EU core issues (sustainable food and farming, climate change, resource efficiency, protection of biodivers ...
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...eted excluded from school curricula in Europe. At the same time, only few school-teachers are trained to provide their pupils with knowledge and skills in order to help them become:- Rational product consumers- Informed service users, and- Informed consumers of energy, water and other natural resources.Adopting positive consumer behavior can be beneficial to both the individual and the society as ...
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PERL (Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living) is a partnership of researchers and educators, aware of the urgent need for individuals and society to significantly rethink and reorient the choices they make and the manner in which they live their lives in order to reduce the negative impacts of climate change and financial instability, ensure more just distribution of resou ...
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