Rechercher des projets européens

3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

European SMEs experienced disadvantages following from their size andeconomic situation. Their access to information, consultancy, training,capital and opportunities to enter foreign markets is low. SMEs are lateadopters of ICT instruments. Critical areas of SMEs are: high costs,insufficient competences/attitudes in activities ofmarketing/communication, insufficient rewards in the short-time, andi ...
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The ERM project aims at helping European SMEs, in particular very small companies, to avoid marginalisation in the process of integration and competition, as a result of the recent enlargement of the European Union. To do so, the project will establish a system for co-operation amongst companies, research organisations, financial & training bodies and local authorities with the aim of stimulating ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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