Rechercher des projets européens

5 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

The project ´E-know Net´ focuses on the need to increase the exchange of information and co-operation in mainstream and informal education among the different training, social and public agents across Europe, including national bodies responsible for vocational training policies and programmes, vocational training centres, trade unions, trainers, trainees. Project partners will develop the autonom ...
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The project aims the development of a tool for self assessment of competencies as well as the necessary training modules to fulfil the detected gaps addressed to agriculture professionals dealing in their professional work with big animals, especially cows and horses. The problem addressed by the project is the rate of accidents happening with people working with big animals in Europe resulting of ...
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The INTRA TOOLS project will design and introduce a flexible model for ICT Education & Training (along with a series of relevant support tools) for use by individual learners.The target groups will be those in transition to work (in particular disadvantaged groups) in addition to vocational counsellors, trainers, and those responsible for individual training programmes.The focus will be on the dev ...
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All European systems for the assessment, recognition and validation of competence include a stage referred to as the accompaniment stage for the candidate. This critical and highly complex stage of the process is designed to provide candidates with ideas as to how best to specify their competencies and gather the required evidence of their previous learning and competencies acquired both formally ...
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Die strukturelle Umgestaltung der Krankenhäuser, die diesseits und jenseitsder Grenze in Gange ist, ermöglichte es, neue Bedürfnisse in denBereichen Verwaltung und Personalmanagement zu identifizieren. Über200 Einrichtungen im Saarland und in Moselle sind von dieserUmgestaltung betroffen. Um den neuen Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden,richtetete das CLTS in Partnerschaft mit der saarländischen Hochsc ...
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