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3 projets européens trouvés

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Vegetable oil initiative for a cleaner environment (VOICE)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2006, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2009,

Background Unlike biodiesel, which is a fuel processed with methanol through esterification mainly used in transport by low blending (B5), pure vegetable oil (also known as Straight Vegetable Oil - SVO, or Pure Plant Oil - PPO) cannot be readily used in most diesel engines without it undergoing technological changes. The use of SVO promotes the developmen ...
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The MYKOS project will develop, pilot and introduce an outline curriculum for the training and qualification of specialists in the use of wild and cultivated fungus.The project will focus upon the development of innovative training for particular target sectors to include; women & unemployed youth from rural backgrounds and the physically and mentally disabled, with the aim of effectively improvin ...
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The aim of the Trade On-line project is to improve intervention instruments with a view to increasing employability in the agricultural and rural development sector. A new occupational profile, "specialist in employability promotion in rural areas", will be established.Initially the partnership will focus on analysing employment prospects in rural areas and on national and regional policies on emp ...
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