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5 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens


Skills Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture

Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2019,

In the EU almost 50% of the territory is covered by farmland (both arable land and permanent grassland). Agriculture therefore plays a key role in land management and has a huge responsibility in the preservation of natural resources. The desired relationship between agriculture and the environment can be captured by the term “sustainable agriculture”. All farming systems, from intensive conventio ...
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Best practice actions for wolf conservation in Mediterranean-type areas (MED-WOLF)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

Background Wolf populations in Spain, Portugal and Italy face the possibility of local extinction. The Iberian wolf population is c. 2 500 individuals, the largest in Western Europe (and 26% of the total EU population of wolves). The most endangered nucleus is located south of the Duero River – where the population is fragmented and probably does not ...
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Gardens of Gorizia (OGV)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2014,

The project sets a goal of increasing commercial development of agricultural products with an innovative method of delivery and sales via the Web community, which will be put in touch smaller producers territory (within 50 km) to consumers in cross-border areas of the city in the middle range of about 68,000 inhabitants. ...
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The IDEA.R.E project will develop innovative training methodology, targeted to those involved in European project design & management in the field of agriculture and rural development. The project will develop and introduce a series of country reports presenting the state-of-the-art in the field, a professional profile for a European Project Designer & Manager in the Field of Agriculture and Rural ...
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The TAS FOR AGRIFORM project will develop training framework targeted at SMEs in the agriculture sector, with the aim of enhancing skills levels in areas such as organisational (company) management, marketing, the traceability of production processes and the quality of products and processes. Project partners will develop outline training methodology, targeted in particular at agricultural entrepr ...
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