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6 projets européens trouvés

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THE FILM CORNER. New On and Off Activities for Film Literacy

Date du début: 15 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 14 nov. 2017,

The project is aimed to the design, release and testing of an online digital virtual user-centered platform for Film Literacy, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by web 2.0 and crossmedia innovative approach in order to raise the average film literacy level of EU young audiences. The general aim of the project is to contribute to draw an easy-going model for Film Literacy that could imp ...
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...ith a particular interest in musical creation: CNSMDL, coordinator, and Institut Lumière in Lyon, School of Arts Hogent (KASK and conservatorium) and Film Fest in Ghent, Conservatorio GB Martini and Cineteca Italiana in Bologna, Music Faculty of the Montreal University and Films Denys Arcand in Quebec. Mostly before ICSS starts to develop the joint curriculum, it will make a study to expose the ex ...
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In living memory : an education and creation process with European archives

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

...4 non-formal artistic education operators (Lieux Fictifs, TransFORMAS, coopérativa sociale e.s.t.i.a. , PhotoART Centrum), a University (Westerdals) and 3 archives holder structures (INA, Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, IMMR-CIMIR) and is the extension of exchanges developed for several years between the partners. It aims at implementing an innovative creative and learning process, based on the crea ...
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Target of the project was the development of modules for training and education regarding sustainability in laundering processes.Target groups are apprentices and employees in laundries as well as institutions responsible for education and further education measures. The necessary knowledge is brought in by project partners (scientific research, apprenticeship, laundries, detergent producer, assoc ...
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At the present time there is no comparable educational level and no transfer of knowledge between countries and/or transfer of innovation. In order to guarantee the sustainability of environmentally friendly processes in de dry cleaning sector, training modules will be developed to improve the level of knowledge of the dry cleaning staff and dry cleaning service enterprises within the European Uni ...
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In the course of the project, basic and advanced HACCP training modules were generated. The modules allow cleaning service enterprises to implement the European requirements on hygiene in food production areas, following the Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament, Directive 93/43/EEC, Commission Decision 2001/471/EC, and the HACCP-concept. These modules are based on an already exis ...
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