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4 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens



Date du début: 14 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 14 janv. 2015,

Le projet CASSAT a pour object l'amélioration de la surveillance sismique dans la zone transfrontalière. Il permettra d'optimiser les performances du réseau sismologique transfrontalier existant. Il mettra aussi en oeuvre des méthodes de production de cartes de mouvements forts en cas de séisme majeur et une meilleure diffusion de l'information au grand public.
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Background Bats are highly threatened in Europe. The greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) and Geoffroy’s bat (Myotis emarginatus) are particularly affected, both being listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive. With a total of 750 females, the reproductive population of the greater horseshoe bat in the Camargue is crucial to the maintena ...
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AlpCheck 2 - "Alpine Mobility Check - Step 2" (AlpCheck 2)

Date du début: 31 août 2009, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2012,

Putting down its roots into the road traced by the strategic call of the previous programming period and its project, AlpCheck 2 aims at creating a road transport model covering the whole Alpine area that supports the public decision makers by providing free on line access to a vast set of traffic data: actual data and simulated data concerning a set of future scenarios will be interactively acces ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2010,

Il progetto è volto alla promozione, alla diffusione ed allo scambio di conoscenze della pratica della "Peer Education". Questa strategia educativa mira ad attivare un processo naturale di passaggio di conoscenze e di esperienze da parte di giovani istruiti e ben motivati ad altri membri di pari status (per età, sesso e interessi) al fine di renderli responsabili e proteggere la loro salute.
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