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18 projets européens trouvés

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Background Over the past decade European agricultural cooperatives have come under increasing financial pressure due to the fall in prices for their products and rising energy costs. Diversification is necessary for survival. Agricultural cooperatives play an important role in ‘binding’ together farmers in order to ensure that they have access to mark ...
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... modifications implemented. Pilot tests were performed first with willow wood pellets, and then with RDF from the WATT MRF after it had been made into pellets by associated beneficiary CERTH at its institute in Ptolemais. The gasifier's efficiency was estimated with the use of two different indicators, Cold Gas Efficiency (CGE) and Carbon Conversion Efficiency (CCE), and by calculating the mass ...
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Rail Hub Cities for South East Europe (RAIL4SEE)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2012, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2014,

The challenge that the RAIL4SEE partners share is the development of models, concepts, measures, harmonised strategies and policy actions targeted to the improvement of rail and intermodal transport in SEE. In particular partners call for complementary interventions facing the alleviation of barriers for rail hubs integration in the local, regional, transnational and TEN-T systems, transport servi ...
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ENERMED - Mediterranean Renewable Energies (ENERMED)

Date du début: 31 mai 2010, Date de fin: 30 mai 2013,

Enermed aims to coordinate and improve the regional policies of renewable energies (RE), through: -shared instruments for the analysis of projects and policies RE -development of common policies in the RE -common experiences in the RE We will develop and implement: -a transnational (common) methodological and strategic framework -a database of good practices on regional policies -concrete p ...
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...ect objectives involved the study, development and implementation at pilot level of an advanced second-generation biofuels production system, driven by local and regional public-private partnerships. CERTH worked alongside a research group at the University of Thessaloniki, the Municipality of Thessaloniki, and the Association of Restaurant Owners of Thessaloniki; the letter mobilised local enterp ...
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Sustainable growth and economic development depends on Creativity and Innovation as the main drivers for competitivenes. In this context the CreaMED Alliance is an iniciative aimed at fostering Creativity and Innovation between MED Regions at both, public and private level, as a route to a Regional Sustainable Development by encouraging mutual policy learning, synergies and cooperation in order t ...
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The SEE area has a low performance with respect to R&D, innovative activity and thus of competitiveness. Therefore it is crucial to establish frameworks to motivate SMEs for innovation activities, to bring them closer to R&D activities and to provide a favourable environment for them. As a response to that, many national and regional innovation policies in the SEE area aims to develop innovative b ...
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Date du début: 31 mars 2009, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2009,

Background The accurate assessment of the atmospheric pollution loading in European regions is necessary to comply with EU atmospheric pollution legislation (Framework Directive 96/62/EC and its daughter directives). This need became even more pressing following recent policy developments at Community level, in particular the Environment and Health Action ...
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ROtect Our Heritage from Fire (PROOHF)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2007, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2008,

Cultural Heritage Monuments (Monasteries, Museums, etc) in European Countries have a large number of invaluable treasures, artifacts, holy icons, very old & attract many visitors and pilgrims from around the world. Local population in celebrations gathers in big numbers. Also, categories as elderly, kids, handicapped, participate, or living around them. Often monuments are located in isolated area ...
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New mobility sceneries in the FREE trade zone in MEDiterranean basin (FREEMED)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2008,

The project FREEMED aims to analyze the effects of Free Trade Zone (FTZ) introduction in 2010 on transport systems and production sectors in the involved countries. A list of priorities in developing dedicated transport supply facilities, which is infrastructures and services, will be proposed and evaluated through a decision support system. The introduction of the Free Trade Zone (FTZ) in 2010 wi ...
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The project MOBILAB aims at the development of a mobile continuous urban air pollution monitoring system, capable of collecting and analyzing pollution data in real-time mode. Hazardous airborne pollutants (emissions) consist of a large group of potentially toxic compounds emitted from a variety of mobile and stationary sources. Among them, in urban areas, automotive emissions are claimed to have ...
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The creation and development of healthy and successful innovative SMEs play a catalyst role in the growth of the economy through innovation and employment. Unfortunately, however, enterprises, especially innovative small and medium sized enterprises fail to grow or even form due to lack of capital. The SEED-REG project was initiated with the aim of examining possible actions for the bridging of th ...
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Shapes is focused on the excellences of the Knowledge/Creative Economy in the MEDarea. In this area are concentrated in fact the most appreciated talents/brands/know-hows worldwide. The creative asset directly or indirectly produces cultural products and includes not only commercial/production/service enterprises but also artists, public and non-profit organizations. For this reason Shapes is also ...
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Recycling e-training resources : The main project product has been the software tool which facilitates the design and development of e-training resources which can be used on different platforms, thus allowing for sharing and re-use of products. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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During the last years, numerous studies have been carried out in order to determine the impact of port activities over the environment. As an example of that, the most recent project leaded by the Port Authority of Valencia concerning ports impact on climate change, CLIMEPORT, has allowed a better understanding of the degree of influence of key port activities in terms of quantification of GHG emi ...
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The main idea of the project is to improve the competitiveness of port systems in the MED area by improving accessibility through technology and procedural innovations, and guaranteeing sustainability of transport. The idea focuses on the realization of interoperable management information systems (WP5) and on the reduction of externalities (WP6). The project addresses three strategic sectors: fre ...
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Mobile Learning is a new paradigm of Technology-enhanced Learning in full alignment with the key objectives of the 21st Century Education and Training. Wireless and Mobile Devices, widely available nowadays, are exploited to allow anyone to access and interact with digital and learning resources from anywhere, at anytime and with a variety of devices. On the other hand, Language Learning is a to ...
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The main objectives of the e-Access II Project are the following:- Development of tools for integrating the user-related accessibility requirements into the production of e-Training Resources and e-Training Courses.- Representation of established training practices in a formal and technically reusable way using international specifications and Standards (such as IEEE LOM and IMS Learning Design), ...
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