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Building and district thermal retrofit and management solutions (THERMOSS)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2020,

The 20% primary energy consumption reduction targets set by the European Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), published in 2012, call for effective and wide-scale building heating and cooling systems upgrade strategies. These will be successful only if they base upon the right combination of technology innovation, industrial commitment and building owners awareness.In line with this statement, THERM ...
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Nature-based solutions (NBS) aim to help societies to address a variety of environmental, social and economic challenges in sustainable ways. They are actions which are inspired by and supported by nature. Some involve using and enhancing existing natural solutions to challenges, while others are exploring more novel solutions, for example, based on how non-human organisms and communities cope wit ...
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Demand Response in Block of Buildings (DR-BOB)

Date du début: 1 mars 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2019,

The aim of the DR-BOB project is to demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of demand response in blocks of buildings for the different key actors required to bring it to market. To achieve its aim the DR-BOB project will:• Integrate existing technologies to form the DR-BOB Demand Response Energy Management solution for blocks-of-buildings with a potential ROI of 5 years or less. • De ...
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Energy Efficient Optimised District Heating and Cooling (E2District)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2019,

Intelligent Energy Europe expects district heating to double its share of the European heat market by 2020 while district cooling will grow to 25%. While this expansion will translate into 2.6% reduction in the European primary energy need and 9.3% of all carbon emissions, it will not be achieved through modernization and expansion alone but requires fundamental technological innovation to make th ...
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TRANSITION ZERO will make Net Zero Energy (E=0) refurbishments a market reality in the UK, France and The Netherlands. Energiesprong brokered a deal between housing associations and builders to refurbish 111,000 houses to E=0 levels in the Netherlands of which the roll-out will be further supported. Building on the same methodology and the inspiring example, a similar innovation trajectory will be ...
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Despite recent evolutions of tools/practices in the Architecture Engineering, Construction and Facility Management have already resulted in considerable advances, some limitations remain, related to the complexity and variability of building life cycles, addressing building end user awareness and participation, lack of new business models, life cycle fragmentation, limited interoperability of the ...
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Buildings Operational stage represents 80% of building’s life-cycle cost of which 50% is consequence of the energy use. Up to 90% of the buildings’ life cycle carbon emissions occur during their operational phase, mainly as consequence of the HVAC, lighting and appliances’ energy use. Therefore, energy and cost saving strategies addressing this building operation phase will have a major impact in ...
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"The aim of the Performer project is to devise a holistic (total lifecycle,multi-aspects, context-based) building energy monitoring methodology that factors in appropriate energy performance indicators, information models, and simulation tools, to achieve building energy performance targets. The project energy performance simulation and monitoring aspects will rely on an ICT infrastructure that wi ...
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STREAMER is an industry-driven collaborative research project on Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB) with cases of mixed-use healthcare districts. Such districts are the best real examples of neighbourhood with integrated energy system consisting of mixed building types (i.e. hospitals and clinics; offices and retails; laboratories and educational buildings; temporary care homes, rehabilitation and s ...
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REthinking Future Infrastructure NETworks (REFINET)

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

Launching a European long-term ambition and initiative to increase the overall performance of multimodal transport infrastructures, the REFINET CSA intends to 1) create a sustainable network of European and international stakeholders’ representatives of all transport modes and transport infrastructure sectors, 2) deliver a shared European vision of how to specify, design, build or renovate, and ma ...
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Virtual Construction for Roads (V-Con)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

The Virtual Construction for Roads (V-Con) project aims at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the National Road Authorities by improving data exchange in the civil infrastructure sector using the Building Information Modelling (BIM) approach. BIM has already been successfully implemented in other sectors. And BIM is a worldwide development. However, the civil infrastructural sector stil ...
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Holistic simulation and optimization of energy systems in Smart Cities (CITYOPT)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

...n software libraries.The expected results are applications that bring together information and guidelines for designing scenarios of energy systems or parts of them. These will be supported by a user-centred design approach and analysis of people's attitudes, behaviours and mental models. Simulation results of scenarios used in the projects case studies will be presented, as well as operational re ...
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Water analytics and Intelligent Sensing for Demand Optimised Management (WISDOM)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

Growing water demand caused by climate change, urbanization and population growth requires new business and technology platforms to manage the increased level of diversity and complexity of urban water resources management. The increasing variability of both supply and consumption will also require more sophisticated and optimized decision making.To achieve a step change in water and energy saving ...
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EeB Cluster Activities Coordination Action (EeB-CA2)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

EeB-CA2 initiative is to provide the right set of instruments supporting technology-clustering and geo-clustering upon the whole set of EeB PPP EC-funded projects related to energy efficiency in the built environment, with the following primary ambition: to enhance and rationalise coordinated and broader dissemination, technology transfer and future exploitation activities of clustered projects, s ...
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The ECODISTR-ICT project aims at developing an integrated decision support tool that facilitates decision making on the retrofitting and renewal of existing districts and its composing buildings. It connects the main decision makers in urban district transformation programs, acting from different perspectives, with different time scales, to reach a coordinated approach that joins building retrofit ...
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Growing investments in distributed energy resources (DER) – renewable distributed energy generation combined with demand response, energy storage, plug-in electric vehicles and active management of distribution networks – will require new business and technology platforms to manage the increased level of diversity and complexity of global energy management. The increasing variability of both gener ...
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Intelligent NeighbourhooD Energy Allocation & Supervision (IDEAS)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2012, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

IDEAS aims to illustrate how communities, public authorities and utility companies across the EU can be engaged in the development and operation of energy positive neighbourhoods and the economic and environmental benefits of doing so. To this end IDEAS will demonstrate how energy positive neighbourhoods can be cost effectively and incrementally implemented by designing, testing and validating:•\t ...
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READY4SmartCities operates in a European context where other initiatives are currently running in order to create a common approach on Smart Cities, Such initiatives, even if of fundamental importance for the EU, have some relevant gaps not allowing them to fully cover fundamental aspects for Smart Cities, i.e. to define a common data framework allowing full interoperability among different city s ...
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"The NANOFOAM project consortium is formed by leading and experienced players in the sector of manufacturing innovative chemical products, engineering nanostructured foams and materials, energy efficiency for the Construction sector, Materials Science and advanced modelling and characterization of material properties and thermo-physical processes.Through the proposed RTD and DEMO project they will ...
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"Modern offices usually have several sorts of electronic equipment and other dominant heat sources indoors, making them almost unaffected by local climatic conditions. Air conditioning and mechanical ventilation coupled with the often excessive levels of artificial lighting, require high levels of energy. At the European Union (EU) level, the Directive 91/2002, (EPBD), is a major step towards rati ...
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Railway Induced Vibration Abatement Solutions (RIVAS)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2011, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2013,

"Ground vibration, effected by rail services, is an important environmental concern, affecting European citizens nearby any rail infrastructure. Surveys show that many Europeans are subjected to annoying levels of feelable vibration and vibration-induced noise. Although solutions are available for track in tunnels, tracks at grade are a much more extensive problem even for vibration-induced noise. ...
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Geo-clustering to deploy the potential of Energy efficient Buildings across EU (GE2O)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2013,

... modes and bottlenecks, as well as the weakness and threats experienced by running clusters dealing with energy efficiency in the built environment across EU, requiring a EU coordination action centred on a two-fold approach:1. Structuring and correlating the existing knowledge and information available at broader public level on EU, National and local basis. Once descriptors have been identified, ...
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The ICT Roadmap for Energy-Efficient Neighbourhoods (IREEN)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2013,

IREEN will deliver a comprehensive strategy (including the identification of drivers and gaps, future policies and operational support for their implementation, and the identification of new appropriate multi-disciplinary stakeholders value chain and partnerships) for European-scale innovation and take-up in the field of ICT for Energy Efficiency and performance in large areas including neighbourh ...
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E3SoHo- ICT services for Energy Efficiency in European Social Housing (E3SoHo)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2013,

The overall objective of E3SoHo project is to implement and demonstrate in 3 Social Housing pilots an integrated and replicable ICT-based solution which aims to bring about a significant reduction of 25% of energy consumption in European social housing by:-providing tenants with feedback on consumption and offering personalised advice for improving their energy efficiency-reducing the energy consu ...
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Smart Resilience Technology, Systems and Tools (SMARTeST)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 30 juin 2013,

The programme, involving leading European organisations, will develop innovative smart technology, systems and implementation tools. The project is set out into six main work packages: WP1 – Management: controlling the operation, scientific excellence and finance of the consortium. WP2 – FRe technology: developing innovative and smart technology and products, based on extending current products an ...
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"Noise pollution is a major environmental problem within the EU. The social costs of traffic noise have been estimated to 0.4% of total GDP. Road traffic is the dominant source, and also rail traffic noise is significant. At the same time, road and rail traffic are expected to steadily increase, and the source strength is not expected to significantly decrease within the near future. To reduce the ...
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FIEMSER (Friendly Intelligent Energy Management System for Residential Building) addresses the need of achieving energy positive buildings through solutions based on a rational consumption of energy, local generation and an increase in the consciousness of the building owners towards their energy consumption habits.The main goal of FIEMSER matches with the challenges of the Call by aiming to build ...
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The objective of EnPROVE is to develop a software model for predicting the energy consumption of a specific building, with different scenarios implementing energy-efficient technologies and control solutions, based on actual measured performance and usage data of the building itself.The key hypothesis of EnPROVE is that it is possible, from adequate gathering and assessing data on how a structure ...
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Multi-source Energy Storage System Integrated in Buildings (MESSIB)

Date du début: 1 mars 2009, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2013,

The overall objective of MESSIB is the development, evaluation and demonstration of an affordable multi-source energy storage system (MESS) integrated in building, based on new materials, technologies and control systems, for significant reduction of its energy consumption and active management of the building energy demand. This new concept will reduce and manage smartly the electrical energy req ...
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QUIetening the Environment for a Sustainable Surface Transport (QUIESST)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2009, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2012,

"Noise Reducing Devices (barriers, claddings, covers and added devices following EN14388) play an important role in noise reduction: optimizing their global performance is of major concern towards Sustainable Surface Transport. QUIESST will merge, for the very first time and within a true holistic approach, “true” intrinsic products characteristics, whatever their materials and shapes, together wi ...
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The project will develop 1) sustainability indicators for buildings, 2) understanding about the needed performance levels considering new and existing buildings, different building types and local requirements, 3) methods for the benchmarking of sustainable buildings (SB) and 4) recommendations for the effective use of benchmarking systems as instruments of steering and in building processes. The ...
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The overall goal of the call “EeB.ENV.2011.3.1.5-2” is to develop a specific guidance document for application to Energy Efficient Buildings and related training material with courses for practitioners in industry and research. This is to be based on and in line with the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook, co-developed by the European Commission's JRC-IES.The concept fo ...
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"The strategic objective of BUILDING UP project is to create an effective coordination of ETPs and major initiatives whose SRAs and activities address energy efficiency in the built environment from an NMP perspective, to identify and review the needs in terms of long term research and innovation. To achieve this, six ETPs, namely ECTP (European Construction Technology Platform), Suschem (Sustaina ...
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Clear-up presents a holistic approach to the reducing operational energy use in buildings. By development and novel use of nano-materials it aims to increase energy performance in heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) and lighting systems, and to improve indoor air quality using catalytic purification. Clear-up’s solutions are designed for retro-fitting existing buildings and of course for ...
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The use of renewable energy in the building sector is today dominated by the application of solar domestic hot water and PV systems in single-family houses. In order to significantly increase the use of renewable energy in the building sector, concepts have to be developed for large buildings. In these buildings high fractions of the energy demand can only be met with renewable energy sources, whe ...
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Intelligent Energy Efficiency Control in Hospitals (HosPilot)

Date du début: 1 mars 2009, Date de fin: 30 juin 2012,

The concern of European society for the well being of its residents and the sustainability of the environment has led to the consciousness that energy savings need to be at the top of the political agenda.Until recently, the focus of energy reduction has been on schools and offices. Hospitals, however, also use large amounts of energy. Therefore, the project will address specifically the hospital ...
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Roadmap Enabling Vision and Strategy for ICT-enabled Energy Efficiency (REViSITE)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2010, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2012,

REViSITE will contribute to the formation of a European multidisciplinary 'ICT for energy-efficiency' research community by bringing together the ICT community and 4 important and complementary application sectors: grids, building/construction, manufacturing and lighting.The objectives of REViSITE are to: (1) Establish communication between sectoral ICT4EE communities in the 4 key industrial domai ...
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ERACOBUILD aims at strengthening and enlarging the strategic networking of RDI programmes in the field of “construction and operation of buildings” initiated in the previous ERABUILD coordination action. ERACOBUILD gathers 34 programme owners or managers coming from 17 EU Members States, 4 Associated Countries and 1 European Region. The new countries will benefit from the experience and results o ...
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European Construction Industry Federation (Fédération de l'Industrie Européenne de la Construction - FIEC), representing 2.4 million SME-s and The Belgian Building Research Institute (Le Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction - CSTC) with contributing members of more than 65 000 Belgian construction companies have recognised following serious problems, related to competitiveness of E ...
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Intelligent Use of Buildings' Energy Information (IntUBE)

Date du début: 1 mai 2008, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2011,

...s that use the natural resources (especially energy) optimally, resulting in less environmental effects and reduced life-cycle costs of energy.The IntUBE consortium consists of universities, research centres and companies from Southern to Northern Europe. They all have established dissemination channels, and the SMEs of the consortium will be able to extensively exploit the results in their busine ...
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