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7 projets européens trouvés

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Tarımda Girişimcilik Ruhunun Gelişimi ve İstihdama Katılımın Arttırılması

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Our project Tefenni, çankırı, Malatya and Cumra Agricultural School studying in the field of Agriculture and Livestock Technology 11 and 12 Agriculture Vocational high school students graduated within one year of the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors by developing their entrepreneurial capacity and to increase employment opportunities for new graduates are prepared wanting Turkey, next t ...
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Background As a transmitter of electricity, Elia’s priority is to ensure the security of the electricity network. This sometimes means that forest corridors are created to secure overhead lines. These corridors are currently often “no man’s land”, without any vegetation or wildlife. However, these same corridors could form an important network of ...
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Bodur Meyve Yetiştiriciliğinde Budama ve Terbiye Teknikleri

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

Today, in European countries where dwarf fruit growing is highly developed, the trees are giving fruit very early and more quality and more fruit is harvested in a per unit area; maintenance works such as pruning, spraying, thinning and harvesting are made easily and cheaply; production costs fall and investment expenditures are returned in a short time. Dwarf fruit farming requires more knowledg ...
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Hayvancılık ve Gıda Alanlarındaki Öğrencilere Avrupa’da Mesleki Eğitim

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

One of the most important and invariable problem of mankind is sufficient and balanced nutrition. Animal products are indispensable because of their biological properties that they have and are in an incomparably position with other nutrients. Livestock is vital for our country and region due to the our people’s healthy and balanced nutrition, the development of industry which is related with live ...
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Tarım Teknolojileri Alanı Öğrencilerinin Avrupa Stajı

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

Our project cankiri, Malatya, Konya andAgriculture Tefenni studying in the field of Vocational High School of Agricultural Technology 11 and 12 class is intended for students . Our project is 14 days in July 2015 date will be realized . Belgian flow Tefenni Agricultural Vocational High School 12 students one companion teacher , Germany flow cankiri Agricultural Vocational High School 12 students ...
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Waste heaps are often wrongly associated with the dark past of the former collieries. The French-Walloon mining area, that was long seen as the opposite of sustainable development, has changed a lot since theclosure of the sites: a whole new biodiversity has developed over the last fifty years and is now one of the richest in the area. The development and conservation of biodiversity brings added ...
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The proposal aims at the elaboration of a referential for the profession of agricultural entrepreneurs, the development of a relevant pedagogical referential, the development of a certification procedure in order to apply a European certification and the experimentation of the training in four participating countries. In the framework of a partnership among 9 partners from 6 countries, the proposa ...
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