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2 projets européens trouvés

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...: Access to Primary Health Care; Financial resources for Primary Health Care; Professional development of Primary Health Care staff. The project has been managed by the Centre for Competence at the Blekinge County Council. Ministries of health, national and regional authorities, universities and professional associations from Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Belarus, and min ...
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Towards an integrated transport system in the Baltic Sea Region (TransBaltic)

Date du début: 31 août 2009, Date de fin: 8 sept. 2012,

TransBaltic was a strategic BSR-wide project carried out by regional authorities, transport and logistics-related research institutions, transport operators, logistics associations and pan-Baltic networks. The partnership of 20 organisations was backed up by further 31 entities, including several national transport ministries around the Baltic Sea.TransBaltic addressed two issues of common concern ...
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