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11 projets européens trouvés

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In the last decade, a number of initiatives were crucial for enabling high-quality research - by providing e-Infrastructure resources, application support and training - in both South East Europe (SEE) and Eastern Mediterranean (EM). They helped reduce the digital divide and brain drain in Europe, by ensuring access to regional e-Infrastructures to new member states, states on path to ascension, a ...
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Food as a means of dialogue in Mediterranean Contexts (SLOWMED)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2013, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2015,

Project in brief The Mediterranean Diet has recently been included by the UNESCO in its Intangible Cultural Heritage List while the Council of Europe acknowledges the diet key role in promoting tolerance and diversity. At the same time the Food and Agriculture Organization, due to the continuing development of individualistic societies, considers this diet decayed into a moribund state. Against gr ...
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International Augmented MED (I AM)

Date du début: 19 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 18 oct. 2015,

The project in briefThe Mediterranean as a whole attracts around 30% of international arrivals and of tourism receipts. Increased international competition is nevertheless impacting the position of the Mediterranean region as a leading destination in the global market. Product diversification and innovative tourism services are key drivers to maintain and enhance the attractiveness of the Mediterr ...
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... user communities in the region with the Computation-based Science and Technology Research Centre of the Cyprus Institute, the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (Egypt) and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt) being initially the major contributors. SESAME, (Jordan/UNESCO), a major experimental facility with a broad user community, will be promoting networking in the region. ...
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Culture in the Mediterranean and Europe – Weaving on Common Threads (CulMe-WeOnCT)

Date du début: 19 août 2011, Date de fin: 19 août 2013,

The CulMe-WeOnCT project focuses on the valorisation of the common historical and cultural heritage of 4 countries of the Eastern Mediterranean area (Greece, Italy, Egypt and Jordan) through the exploitation of new technologies, in a way ensuring the promotion of mutual understanding and dialogue. ...
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The main objective is to establish virtual reality academic system for Egyptian cultural heritage education and online virtual campus targeting students, archeologists, tourist guides and Egyptologists all over the world, achieved through following main tasks:1. Develop stereoscopic 3D virtual reality models for Egyptian surface and underwater sites covering the ancient Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Copt ...
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« EUROMEDINCULTURE(s)» propose à ses organisations partenaires d’Europe et de la Méditerranée de suivre, à Marseille, une formation. L’objectif principal est de développer les compétences des participants dans la mise en place, la gestion et le suivi de projets de coopération à dimension jeunesse impliquant des opérateurs des deux rives de la Méditerranée. Pour cela, les actions phares des program ...
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...ct consortium members that represent different stakeholders & have the required capacity and know-how. Therefore, the consortium includes 7 EG and 3 EU universities, 2 SMEs, 3 NGOs, 2 Ministries, and Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Four Regional Centers of Expertise (RCE) on ESD which are members of the ESD Global RCEs Network are involved in this consortium. The two Education Ministries will ensure the ...
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Le projet a pour objectif de permettre à des jeunes de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée de vivre, dans le cadre du SVE, une expérience concrète, dans une organisation impliquée dans le domaine culturel, dans un autre pays que le leur. En moyenne, la durée des services est de 10 mois, ils se déroulent dans 7 pays différents de l'espace euro-méditerranéen. Les jeunes seront impliqués dans toutes les a ...
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"EUROMEDINCULTURE(s): partages et créations" propose, à travers les Rencontres euroméditerranéennes de la coopération artistique et culturelle, d'ouvrir des espaces permettant les échanges entre artistes, professionnels de la Culture et experts, de valoriser des créations artistiques issues des différents pays concernés auprès du plus large public possible et de faciliter l'émergence de projets cu ...
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Cultural Conversations

Date du début: 1 nov. 2009,

"Cultural Conversations" will see large-scale cross art from work developed between cities, cultural operators, artists, young people and communities. The main projects objectives are to provide opportunities for the mobility of European/Mediterranean Rim artists and their work, deliver arts workshops to a diverse range of participants, develop a series of high quality large-scale outdoor cultural ...
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