Rechercher des projets européens

5 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens


Green jobs

Date du début: 16 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 29 juin 2014,

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Facharbeitsausbildungen Oberösterreich Südböhmen (BASIMET)

Date du début: 31 mars 2009, Date de fin: 30 mars 2011,

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Industry-wide qualification in the EU : The international BASICON project is developing pan-European coordinated instruments for qualification as well as for the determination and comparison of existing qualifications in seven languages. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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The project aims at the development of high quality standards of the vocational training and daily business for European Eco Counselling-offices.The formulation and implementation of e-learning modules and train the trainer courses will be based on the demand analysis and the comparision of the countries involved.
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