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12 projets européens trouvés

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Towards the sustainable region (DQE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 29 juin 2007,

... revised DQE tool and further development of its application strategy; both have been mainstreamed by ANCE, Kainuun Etu, KMGNE and Shannon Development. IWG3 Knowledge management: IWG 3 was led by Athens University of Business and Economics [ASOE]. It collected feedback from the regional operations as to the knowledge gaps of the entrepreneurs. It resulted in the 'DQE course' 1 educational unit com ...
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INFOTECH TO EXTEND – INFOrmation TECHnologies to EXTEND Regional Development (I2E)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

The project promotes the Information Society (IS) implementation by fostering the direct involvement of the Regional/Local Institutions for favouring the ICT services diffusion particularly in less advanced areas as well as in SMEs which are slower than the Large Enterprises in adopting the ICT innovative models (geographical and dimensional divide). In addition to a large know-how transfer of man ...
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The current socio-political situation of most countries ail over the world is worrisome. The annual report by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) highlights that the gap between poor and rich countries is growing. According to this report "the level of Inequality is somehow appalling". At the end of 2000, during the summit organized by the United Nations, the Heads of State from all over ...
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Inclusion EVS in Europe

Date du début: 1 mars 2011,

Europejskie Forum M odzie y is planning to implement an seminar, meant to provide a communication platform with the possibility to exchange experiences and to develop new ideas for a number of 25 promoters (32 participants) from different countries in Europe (Poland, France, Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, Spain) and to create a product ...
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DELID promotes intensive dialogue between e-learning providers and SMEs by means of interviews, storytelling, tests, meetings and other tools. The project developed a methodology for e-learning courses for small and medium-sized enterprises in intensive dialogue and in close collaboration with SMEs. Existing e-learning offers were adapted based on the results of this dialogue. The project yielded ...
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Date du début: 2 mai 2009,

HuRiSu is a multidisciplinary intensive programme combining a series of different kind of cultural initiatives aiming at facilitating intercultural dialogue and creating and sharing the belonging to European citizenship (students, teachers, employers of local entities and general public). Main activities to be developed are educaiotnal workshops in schools dealing with human rights history with a ...
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With the present project ANCE's objective is to promote the importance of global cooperation and youth mobilization for the achievement of Millennium Development Goals and poverty reduction.The programme activities will be implemented by volunteers in Italy, Spain, Zimbabwe and Costa Rica. The partner organisations will host 2 volunteers per semester x 4 semesters = 32 volunteers in total.In Italy ...
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This could be ä question asked by the younger generation during and after the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 in Summer 2012.In Rio+us youths from Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Greece, Italy and Germany "translate" the outcomes of the Rio+20 Summit into the youth cultures and thereby set the base to sensitize other youths on aspects of global change and complex issues like cl ...
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The DELID project aims at developing a methodology for e-learning courses for small and medium-sized enterprises. This will be accomplished by means of a very close and dialogue-oriented collaboration with SMEs. All partners are directly involved in the project, either as operational or as dissemination partners. Many partners have long lasting experience in all aspects of e-learning, they are use ...
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The issue of climate change has reached the global news and societies. However, after the flashlight on the issue during the Copenhagen summit, the economic crisis now tends to push away climate change, energy and poverty issues from the global agenda. Many things are still demanded and postulated but it does not mean that we and the younger generation are (and keep being) well informed about the ...
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The Consortium has been set up to represent LLL with actors dealing directly with adults learning and with actors of the main Nonprofit areas of intervention. Adult education is a key component of LLL and has a key role within all the EU strategies starting from Lisbon.It’s considered a “public good” and a public responsibility, with a cultural mediation role and a support social capital growth i ...
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About one year ago, one did not have to look around for long to be confronted with climate change and energy issues. However, these days, the economic crisis tends to push away climate change, energy and poverty issues from the global agenda. Many things are still demanded and postulated but it does not mean that we and the younger generation are (and keep being) well informed about the topic. The ...
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