Rechercher des projets européens

9 projets européens trouvés

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Umweltfreundlicher Tourismus : Das Projekt befasst sich mit dem Aus- und Fortbildungsbedarf im Bereich des grünen Tourismus. Entwickelt wurden Schulungs-Module und ein internationales Netzwerk all jener Akteure, die ihre Kenntnisse und beruflichen Fähigkeiten im Bereich des nachhaltigen Tourismus vertiefen wollen. Die Schulungsmaterialien und E-Learning-Methoden dienen dazu, Disparitäten und Ungle ...
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The aim of the project is to provide owners and quality managers within SMEs with a set of learning and practice tools for the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills on implementing a quality assurance system according to ISO 900:2000 standards.The tools will consist of: a book containing the necessary theory; a multimedia CD-Rom with a presentation of the elements of ISO 900:2000 stand ...
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An ecosystem for environmental expertise exchange : A network has been created to raise awareness and allow information exchange on environmental problems. A website and eLearning course have been developed to train people across Europe for new jobs in the environmental sector. This project started in 2001 and lasted 38 months.
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Staying ahead of the game – the message of Early Bird : If companies knew how to anticipate change brought about by new technologies and new markets, they could train their skilled workers in advance and retain their competitive advantage. The Early Bird project studies the impact of ICT, company structures and work processes as part of developing an early warning system for vocational training ne ...
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The project PESCALEX aims at creating CLIL (content and language integrated learning) courses in fish health/disease. Target languages are EL, ES, EN, FR, PL, NO. The project targets areas where aquaculture is important (Greece, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Poland, France. Target groups are vocational and tertiary students and trainers, fish farm workers. Potential users are training institutions and S ...
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To enhance skill levels and to improve the standards of food hygiene and safety in restaurants and similar retail establishments dealing with food, the HYGIREST project will develop a competency-based modular vocational training programme, to be delivered via a dedicated website, for owners, managers and employees in this sector. Following an initial assessment of the nature of skills gaps and the ...
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The VOCAL project ( ) follows the method and structure of the earlier successful EU project entitled Problem SOLVE ( ). The main topics included are Travel, Accommodation, Socialising, Emergencies, at Work. The new feature in the VOCAL materials is an additional LSP (Language for Specific Purposes) component relating to Business, Tourism, Banking & Services ...
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The European Qualifications Framework (EQF)has foreseen that Member States relate their national qualifications systems to the EQF by 2010 and that their qualifications contain a reference to the EQF by 2012. Enabling therefore individuals and employers to use the EQF as a reference tool to compare the qualifications levels of different countries and different vocational training systems.This proj ...
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One of the greatest challenges for the implementation of the national and the European Qualification Frameworks (EQR) is the assignment of qualificational profiles to the individual levels according to comparable principles. This should be envisaged in a way to safeguard comparability and transparency of differently structured qualificational profiles. Therefore the main target of the project was ...
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