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7 projets européens trouvés

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More and more industrial sectors are demanding high performance composite materials to face new challenges demanded by the transport sector. Carbon and glass fibre unidirectional continuous tape reinforced composites are one of the most promising options. It would be reasonable to expect that the manufacturing methods to obtain composite parts made of this hybrid material will be capable to tailor ...
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Renewable source nanostructured precursors for carbon fibers (CARBOPREC)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

"More and more industrial sectors (e.g. automotive, wind energy, boatbuilding) are demanding lightweight and high-performance composite materials, which represent a strong driver to develop the carbon fibre (CF) industry. Today, almost 80% of CF available on the market are using PolyAcryloNitrile (PAN) as the starting raw material because of its superior properties compared to pitch based carbon f ...
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3D-ICONS proposes to digitise a series of architectural and archaeological masterpieces of world and European cultural significance and provide 3D models and related digital content to Europeana, with the aim of contributing to the critical mass of highly engaging content available to users.Public fascination with the architectural and archaeological heritage is well known, it is proven to be one ...
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Le projet CARBONINSPIRED 2.0 constitue la continuité du projet CARBONINSPIRED approuvé dans le cadre du deuxième appel à projets.CARBONINSPIRED 2.0 regroupe le même partenariat qui a constitué un réseau de coopération et de transfert de connaissance concernant les nanotechnologies appliquées aux secteurs de la construction etl'automobile. À travers CARBONINSPIRED 2.0, le partenariat vise à garanti ...
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Euro-Algerian Research Networking (EARN)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2013,

"This project aim is to strengthen the bilateral dialogue between Algeria and the EU Member States, which is the explicit will of the FP7 BILAT calls. Furthermore EARN aims at providing information about the S&T systems both in Algeria and in Europe. EARN thus will enhance information collection and dissemination as regards Science, Technology and Innovation cooperation between Algeria and the EU. ...
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El objetivo principal de CARBONINSPIRED es la creación de una red de cooperación y transferencia de conocimiento que permita a las PYMES de los sectores de la automoción y construcción tener acceso a los avances en materiales basados en nanopartículas carbonosas, para poder de esta forma desarrollar productos de alto valor añadido con el fin de incrementar su competitividad. ...
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Background The impact of agriculture on Europe’s water resources will have to be reduced if the quality of surface and groundwater is to be improved. The agricultural soils of EU countries contain large nitrogen surplus that can potentially pollute both surface and groundwater. Furthermore, in many European countries pesticides contaminate the drinking ...
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