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5 projets européens trouvés

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Name of the project: InFormal - Integration of non-formal education approach to the formal education system for youth empowerment at local level; Long-term training course Dates and Venues: - Activity 1 - Basic Course: 8th - 16th September 2015 in Rostov Velikiy, Russia - Homework phase: Testing skills gained in field between the trainings with help of an online e-learning course (Accessible on ht ...
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Women Engendering the Finance Network (WEFneT) (WEFneT)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

...onal governments, financial institutions, public and private organisations, - Set-up and management of an e-community in the territorial area involved in the project for female entrepreneurs, women's associations and all those structures that promote the woman's role in the local development process. Also to train and assist about 200 local administrators in developing new competencies for local d ...
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"Caught In the Web: social media tools for youth" is a youth exchange that will gather together 42 youngsters from 6 different countries of Europe and European Eastern and Caucasus(EECA), the youth exchange will last 7 days and will be held in Ukraine. The aim of this YE is to foster the use of the Social Media and other new technologies in an effective and safety way to promote active participati ...
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The FORCREST project aims at improving the employability of highly qualified young people in order to facilitate their insertion into the labour market. To do that the project will develop a set of innovative training tools focusing upon key technical skills particular to the environmental sector. The end results of the project will comprise a training needs analysis of the targeted group, a serie ...
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The WIN-WIN project focuses on promoting the active involvement of women in regional development and growth through increasing their participation in employment and entrepreneurship.The project aims to improve the skills and enhance the potential of women in selected areas (Florina, Pella, Bitola, Resen, Krusevo and Demir Hisar) and will actively enable business creation or development. A key outc ...
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