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3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

The project aims the development of a tool for self assessment of competencies as well as the necessary training modules to fulfil the detected gaps addressed to agriculture professionals dealing in their professional work with big animals, especially cows and horses. The problem addressed by the project is the rate of accidents happening with people working with big animals in Europe resulting of ...
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Developing professional skills : Identifying, evaluating and capitalising on the skills acquired by young people undergoing vocational training in the pharmacy, dietetics, personal care and health care sectors, thereby allowing young people to translate their personal and professional goals into skills and objectives. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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The elderly and the disabled are the primary beneficiaries of home care. The QSMSAD project is addressed to home care providers. It is designed to compensate for the training deficiencies in this sector by developing vocational training programmes that focus on quality and safety.Firstly, needs will be analysed; the training instrument will include job profiles, profiles of training courses and of ...
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