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4 projets européens trouvés

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The 3rd OBESSU Summer School“Share your skills”will be a space for partner organisations to share their expertise,competences,knowledge and skills on a variety of topics related to their daily activities as school student organisations.OBESSU believes that there is a great potential within its platform and this event will aim at releasing and enhancing it.Partners have very diverse, deep and remar ...
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OBESSU,together with its partners,wants to analyse in which way sport,art and creativity both within and outside schools can contribute to better intercultural dialogue and social inclusion,overcoming differences,promoting acceptance of diversity and fostering equality among young people.The conference“Art and Sport as Catalysts for Social Inclusion”explores different paths to achieve social inclu ...
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The 7th European School Student Convention titled“New Skills for New Schools:Students,E&T and Work”will focus on the relations between education and training(E&T),the labour market and the private sector.The event will take place in Oslo,Norway,from2-6December and will gather around 50 participants from more than20 countries.Considering,on one hand,the financial cuts in education and,on the other, ...
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The theme of the 2nd European Summer School "One World, One Care" is Human Rights and, in particular, Youth Rights as Global Challenges.OBESSU believes that is important to raise awareness of global issues among European school students who should take those issues into consideration to become active and responsible citizens. The 2nd European Summer School wants to be a place to learn about the st ...
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