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2 projets européens trouvés

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Experience – Educate - Empower

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014,

The project EXPERIENCE-EDUCATE-EMPOWER aims at non-formal education of volunteers, mainly young people with fewer opportunities, aged 18 to 30. During their EVS, they will experience a difference in their life, gain skills through non-formal educaation, or in many cases also lead non-formal educational activities to others. This will greatly contibute to the empowerment process of the young people ...
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Enjoy the challenge

Date du début: 1 mars 2013, will be hosted by Eurocircle (France) for 1 month.1 volunteer sent by Eurocircle (France) will be hosted by KERIC (Slovakia) for 12 months. 1 volunteer sent by KERIC (Slovakia) will be hosted by Associacao Juveni de Peniche (Portugal) for 12 months.1 volunteer sent by KERIC (Slovakia) will be hosted by Os Quatro Cantos do Cisne (Portugal) for 4 months. 1 volunteer sent by KERIC (Slovakia) wil ...
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