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9 projets européens trouvés

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Professional Orientation of Vulnerable Young People

Date du début: 30 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2017,

Reducing youth unemployment is a big challenge for all MS in Europe. The improvement of career guidance (of which professional orientation is one part) is a very important task to improve the knowledge, skills and competences, in particular for adult learners in vulnerable situations. In line with the Europe 2020 Strategy and the European Agenda for Adult Learning, the ‘Professional Orientation of ...
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Learning in a New Key. Engaging Vulnerable Young People in School Education.

Date du début: 19 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 18 sept. 2017,

This strategic partnership takes cogniscance of the power of therapeutic music and arts centred experiences to alter emotional states and engender the positive engagement of self with the world. Through the planned activities and experiences of the project, we will apply this observation to support teachers in extending their professional capacities as classroom-based therapeutic practitioners wh ...
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Open The Doors - New Directions in NEET prevention through teacher capacity building

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Open The Doors - New Directions in NEET prevention “Teachers cannot teach how to be entrepreneurial without themselves being entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurial competency and skills can be acquired or built only through hands-on, real life learning experiences.” Commission, Entrepreneurship Education: A Guide for Educators, 2013 NEET youth is becoming one of the most important challenges to the Eur ...
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CONTENT'ARTe (Cooperation Through Arts)

Date du début: 15 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2015,

CONTENT'ARTe, Cooperation Through Arts, will be a multilateral youth exchange, taking place in Matosinhos and Monção Portugal. It will gather and challenge young people coming from five different countries in Europe - Portugal, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria and Hungary, to find the way to themselves through artistic expressions, social and multicultural experience. It will be a chance for young people ...
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Date du début: 1 juil. 2009,

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Date du début: 1 mai 2009,

Forty-five young people and journalists from leading organizations from Bulgaria, Portugal, Italy and Poland will hold simultaneously in their respective countries a research based on questionnaire forms and video surveys amongst other young Europeans. This will compare the level of European confidence and belonging of the youth between 18-26 years of age in state-members, which joined the EU enla ...
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Inclusion - bridge of 21st century

Date du début: 1 mai 2009,

The project "Inclusion - bridge of the 21st century" will take place from the 7th till 11th of July, 2009, in Stalgene, Jaunsvirlauka municipality. The main aim of the project is to foster the inclusion of the youngsters with the fewer opportunities in society by creating effective partnerships and developing common projects. The project is also an answer to the conclusions of the partners that w ...
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During Youth Summit 2010, 18-23 April, some 200 young people will meet other youth and decision makers in workshops regarding preservation of nature, animals and surroundings in different parts of Europe, as well as being part of social inclusion in doing this. All in a strict non-formal way, this will be done in workshops in the Wildlife park of Kolmården. The participants have a background with ...
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The “Open (H)art” partnership project aims to consolidate a methodology of using arts as a tool for social work, aiming at social inclusion and exploring ways of applying innovative and creative artistic processes in social change activities. With this partnership we will connect practitioners and volunteers active in social and educational work (artists, animators, youth workers, therapists, faci ...
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