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3 projets européens trouvés

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ERA-NET Plus on Cultural Heritage and Global Change Research (HERITAGE PLUS)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

The main objective of the HERITAGE PLUS proposal is to pool the necessary financial resources from the participating national programmes and the European Community and to launch a single Joint Call for Proposals for research projects in the cultural heritage field that will be evaluated and managed jointly by the participating programmes.The 18 Partners have a strong background in designing, promo ...
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"Europe’s cultural heritage is the world’s most diverse and rich patrimony attracting millions of visitors every year to monuments, historical city centres, archaeological sites and museums. Moreover, heritage is an important component of individual and collective identity. In both its tangible, intangible and digital forms, it contributes to the cohesion of the European Union and plays a fundamen ...
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NET-HERITAGE is the first significant initiative ever attempting to coordinate national RTD programmes of European countries and support European RTD Programmes in the field of research applied to Protection for Tangible Cultural Heritage. It aims to exert a massive, positive impact through the following objectives: - provide an integrated picture of the state of the art of cultural heritage resea ...
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